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(Text 8)

W:Can I help you,Sir?

M:Yes.I’d like to post some medicine to my son.

W:Where would you like to post your medicine to?

M:Tokyo,in Japan.

W:Well,would you like to mail it by air or by sea?

M:Hmm...How long will it take to mail by air?

W:About one week.But you can send it by express mail if you need it to be faster.That will only take three days.

M:Um,I’d like to send it by express mail.The faster,the better.

W:OK,you need to pay 425 yuan for this service.Foreign mail is usually much more expensive.

M:Well,that really sounds too expensive.But express mail should be faster and safer.

W:Well,it’s up to you.Let me see.Sending by air costs 250 yuan,and sending by sea is only 128 yuan.

M:Oh,no.Express mail,please.I hope my son will receive it quickly.

(Text 9)

W:Hi,Mr.Smith.I’m Dr.West.Why are you here today?

M:Well,maybe I’d better have a check?up.

W:OK.When did you last have a check?up?

M:Six years ago.I don’t think there’s a need to see a doctor if I feel well.

W:Well,but remember that some illnesses are not so obvious.It may be too late when you realize it.Many people have a check?up once a year.You’d better have a check?up at least once every two years for your own good.


W:Now,let me examine you.Er...there’s nothing wrong with your eyes or ears.Do you smoke,Mr.Smith?

M:Yes,since years ago.

W:I suggest you give up smoking.It’s the major cause of lung cancer and heart disease.

M:I know.But it’s difficult for me to stop smoking.I’m used to smoking two packs of cigarettes every day.

W:Well,maybe I can offer you some help if you really want to give up.



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