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(Text 1)

M:Excuse me.May I book two tickets for 2012 Doomsday on Sunday night?

W:Certainly,that’s sixty yuan in all.

(Text 2)

M:Excuse me.Could you tell me how much this T?shirt is?

W:Sure.It is sixty?five dollars.What size do you want?

(Text 3)

M:Mary,you didn’t come to the party last night.What happened?

W:I was going to,but I suddenly remembered I had a lot of homework to do.

(Text 4)

W:What do you think of Professor Wang’s report?

M:The topic is quite interesting,but it is more difficult than I expected.

(Text 5)

M:Hello,I heard you asked for leave yesterday.What’s the matter?

W:My brother fell ill and I had to send him to hospital.

M:I’m sorry to hear that.Is he better now?

W:Well,I think so.

(Text 6)

W:Hey,Tony,it’s time to go to bed now.

M:But it’s only a quarter to nine and I’m not tired.Why doesn’t Kate,my sister,have to?

W:Tomorrow is your first school day.You’d better have a good rest.

M:Wow,I can’t wait,Mum.I will have so many friends to play with.

W:Tony,remember you’re a schoolboy tomorrow.And you should understand that the school isn’t just a place to play.You should also study hard.


W:And if you do well in school,you can have a good job like Mum’s when you grow up.But if you don’t,you will have a job like Dad’s.

(Text 7)

M:Come here,Darling.Look at the purple sweater on No.2 model on this website.

W:You mean the No.2 model online?Why?

M:Doesn’t this sweater look like the one we saw in the store last weekend?

W:Oh,my gosh!They are pretty much the same.How much is it online?

M:Only 288 dollars.It’s much cheaper than the one in the store.Why not buy it now?

W:But we have never bought anything online before.

M:Take it easy! Let’s talk to the shopkeeper first.

W:How can we talk to the shopkeeper?And what should we say?

M:Just e?mail the seller and bargain a little.Oh,come on!It’s already cheaper and I will get it for you soon!

W:Great!But it’s too late now.Let’s do it tomorrow.


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