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13.Why does Mr.Smith go to see the doctor?

A.He wants to have a check?up.

B.He has got heart disease.

C.There is something wrong with his ears.

14.How long hasn’t Mr.Smith had a check?up?

A.One year. B.Two years. C.Six years.

15.What does Dr.West find out about Mr.Smith?

A.He has lung cancer.

B.He is a heavy smoker.

C.He has heart disease.

16.What does Dr.West advise Mr.Smith to do?

A.To smoke less cigarettes.

B.To have a check?up every two years.

C.To pay attention to his eyes.


17.What do the speakers talk about?

A.Finding part?time jobs.

B.Finding full?time jobs.

C.Working as volunteers.

18.Acc ording to the woman,what should the man do at first?

A.Find out about his own ability.

B.Use his resources if necessary.

C.Decide on the type of job.

19.Where does the woman advise the man to find “wanted” ads?

A.From companies.

B.In newspapers.

C.From his teachers.

20.What kind of information should the man prepare for an interview?

A.Information about the interviewer.

B.Information about the company and self?introduction.

C.Information about his relations.


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