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高一英语练习 Unit 4 Section Ⅱ(必修1)




After an earthquake most survivors can be expected to recover over time,particularly with the support of family and friends.Some families will be able to return to their normal life quickly,while others will have to contend_with the destruction of their homes,medical problems,and injury to family members.Children especially will need time to recover from the loss of a loved one or a pet or from the closing down of their school.

Children often turn to adults for information,comfort and help.Parents should try to remain calm,answer children’s questions honestly and remain understanding when they see changes in their children’s behavior.

Children react differently to an earthquake depending on their ages,developmental levels and former experiences.Some will respond by withdrawing(不与人交往),while others will have angry outbursts(爆发).Parents should remain sensitive to each child’s reactions.Parents should spend time talking to their children,letting them know that it’s OK to ask questions and to share their worries.Although it may be hard to find time to have these talks,parents can use regular family mealtimes or bedtimes for them.They should answer questions briefly and honestly and be sure to ask their children for their opinions and ideas.Issues may come up more than once and parents should remain patient when you answer the questions again.For young children,parents,after talking about the earthquake,might read a favorite story or have a relaxing family activity to help them calm down.Parents should also tell children they are safe and spend extra time with them.They could play games outside or read together indoors.Most importantly,be sure to tell them you love them.

【解题导语】 本文就震后如何帮助孩子恢复身心健康向家长提出了有关的建议。

1.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.How to prepare before an earthquake strikes.

B.What to do in an earthquake.

C.How to face the loss of a loved one in an earthquake.

D.How to help children recover mentally from an earthquake.


2.The underlined phrase “contend with”in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “    ”.

A.deal with B.make up

C.put off D.turn back

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据上下文可推出此处contend with意思为“处理”。与deal with接近。

3.Which of the following pieces of advice is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Keep a close watch on children’s behavior.

B.Tell the children they are safe.

C.Tell the children you love them.

D.Ask educational experts for help.


4.What can we know from the passage?

A.All people will recover from an earthquake quickly.

B.Children may need a longer time to recover after an earthquake.

C.Children should turn t o their classmates for help after an earthquake.

D.Children react in the same way as adults do to an earthquake.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句Children especially will need time to recover from...可知B项正 确。


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