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高一英语练习 Unit 4 Section Ⅱ(必修1)



5.—You have lots of friends,right?

—Yes.    I go,I am willing to make new friends.

A.Somewhere B.There

C.Everywhere D.Nowhere


6.Teenagers    their health because they play computer games too much.

A.have damaged B.are damaging

C.damaged D.will damage


7.—Tom hasn’t come to class yet?

—What do you think    ?

A.did happen to him

B.has happened to him

C.he happened

D.he has happened

解析:选B。句中的do you think为插入语,去掉插入语,不影响句子的正常语序,故B正确。

8.Don’t play with electricity,or you may get an electric    .

A.strike B.beat

C.shock D.knock

解析:选C。句意为“别玩电,要不你会触电的”。根据句意,C正确。Get a shock意思是“触电”。

9.—What’s the matter?It seems    you’ve caught a cold.

—Oh,I’m just too tired.

A.as if B.ever since

C.because D.when

解析:选A。问句意为:怎么了?你好像感冒了。as if好像,符合题意。ever since从那以后;because因为;when当……时,均不符合句意。

10.The lifeboat was sent out to    the sailors from the sinking ship.

A.shelter B.rescue

C.escape D.trap



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