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高一英语练习 Unit 4 Section Ⅱ(必修1)




dig out;injure;right away;think little of;in ruins;blow away;at an end;the number of

1.I think we must get in touch with him        .

答案:right away

2.After the big fire,all of their houses were       .

答案:in ruins

3.I don’t know when their party will be        .

答案:at an end

4.It is reported that        people who were killed in the road accident reached more than 8.

答案:the number of

5.It is sai d that they have        a lot of treasure from that tomb.

答案:dug out

6.He        my advice and that made me very angry.

答案:thought little of

7.Suddenly a strong wind came and        the roofs of their new houses.

答案:blew away

8.He was sad that one of his best friends was badly         in an accident.



1.—Many people are suffering from the earthquake.

—I see.Food and cloth es should be sent to them    .

A.on purpose       B.at present

C.right away D.ever since

解析:选C。句意为:地震灾区的人们正在受苦受难,食物和衣服应该“立即(right away)”送给他们。on purpose故意地;at present目前;ever since从那以后。

2.After World War Ⅱ,many of the cities across western European countries    .

A.lied in ruin B.lay in ruins

C.lay in ruin D.lying in ruins

解析:选B。根据句意,B为正确答案。lie作处于某种状态解时,为不规则动词,其过去式为lay;in ruins为固定搭配,意思是“成为废墟;破败不堪”。

3.(2011年荆州质检)    in the book,he didn’t hear the sound.

A.Burying B.To be buried

C.Having been buried D.Buried

解析:选D。考查非谓 语动词。过去分词短语buried in the book在句子中作原因状语,类似的用法有lost in thought,seated in the chair,dressed in red等。

4.In a sudden    of anger,the man tore up everything within reach.

A.crack B.burst

C.move D.change

解析:选B。crack“噼啪声”;burst“猛烈爆发”;move“移动”;change“改变”。根据句意,B正确,in a sudden burst of anger意思是“突然发怒了”。


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