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高一英语Films and TV教案设计



【摘要】“高一英语Films and TV教案设计”本文为大家整理了有关高一英语教案,希望对大家的学习有所帮助:

高一英语Films and TV教案

Module Six Films and TV Programmes

Part One Teaching Design

第一部分 教学设计

Teaching Aims and requirements

 To develop the student’s reading ability

 To listen and speak using the vocabulary and everyday English in this unit

 To learn and use grammars in different situation

 To write a film page for a magazine

Teaching procedures

Period 1: Introduction and Reading

Step 1: Warming up

1. Warming up by a game

Hello, everyone, do you like watching films? Now let’s play a game, you should work with your desk mate, and think of a film but don’t say its name, let your desk mate guess which film it is. The following questions may help you:

1) Is it a romantic film/martial art film?

2) Is it a Chinese film?

3) Does Andy Liu star in it?

4) Is it a film about modern society?

5) Is it directed by Zhang Yimou?

2. Warming up by discussion

Hello, boys and girls, today we will talk about films and TV programmes, let’s have a discussion according to the following questions:

1) What’s your favourite film or TV programme?

2) Who’s your favourite movie star?

3) Can you name a female character in your favourite film?

4) What’s the name of the actress who plays this role?

5) Can you name a film that you think is a masterpiece? say why.

6) Think of your favourite film scene. Can you name an actor or actress who is in this scene?

3. Warming up by a game

Boys and girls, let’s play a game, please look at the screen, I will show you some film scenes, you can guess which type the film is according to them, the following words may help you:

romantic film, thriller, martial arts film, comedy, adventure film.

Step 2: Pre-reading

1. Enjoying the film scene

Boys and girls, do you know which Chinese film won the best foreign film of Oscar? Yes, It’s 〝Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon〞, now let’s enjoy some beautiful scenes of the film.

2. Introduce some new words

Look at the following new words and phrases from the text, and read them all together twice and pay attention to your pronunciation.

every now and then fiancé graceful leap masterpiece moving roof take place

Match the words above with the definitions below.

1. happen _________

2. the top part of a building that covers it _________

3. causing strong feelings, especially

sad feelings. _________


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