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高一英语Unit 3 学案



【摘要】“高一英语Unit 3 学案”本文为大家整理了高一英语教案,希望对大家的教学有所帮助:



1. The news that the country had been chosen to host the next Olympic Games e_____ everybody.

2. Did you know the f_____ of the national table tennis competition? The result was very surprising.

3. You shouldn’t have said that to the manager. Now you p_____ us in a very difficult position.

4. The artist s______ his name on the painting which he had just finished.

5. The bus crashed into a tree and caused a big fire. Fortunately, all the passengers managed to escape unharmed from the b_____ bus.

6. She was really t______ to see a jewel in the street, but it turned out to be only glass.

7. The 20 British women were i________ in expedition, they managed to make history in the end, though.

8. The father of the family took the floor and a________ to the crowd the greatest pet of all time was his blue parakeet.

9. If we don’t fall in deep thought and are just satisfied with s_______ things, sooner or later we will find we haven’t gained anything because our first i____________ had blinded and misled us.

10. Although your idea is f_______ in itself, I’m worried that RealCine may be too expensive for ordinary people to afford. So we are not ready to take the r_____ of investing in RealCine yet.

11. It’s his good _______(人格) and great contribution rather than his handsome looks that make Beckham a star and unforgettable.

12. Some of the signs in the mountains are specially designed to _____(指导) tourists at night.

13. Last but not ____(不重要的), I would like to thank all my friends, teachers and family members for their support.

14. I was so happy when I came ______(遇到) my favorite book at the bookstore.

15. The movements are _______(监控) continuously judging by the fact that the headsets and gloves are connected to the Realcine computer system.

16. The Virus HIV is spread _____(经,由) unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-to-mother child transmission.

17. The engineer from Huai’an was appointed to be _______(对…负责) for the project.

18. The computers the students use often crash and are not ______(与…连接) to the Internet.


1. impress (n.) ____________ 2. fantastic (n.) ____________

3. announce (n) ____________ 4.deliver (n.) ____________

5. popularity (a.)____________ 6.force (a) ____________

7. experienced (opposite)__________ 8..gentle(ad.) ____________

9. employ (n.) ________ (n) _________ (n) ________ 10. responsible (n) __________

三. 补全佳句

1. 他精力充沛,而且话也很多。

He_____________________________________________ and he is always have something to say.

2. 那个男孩没钱,因此想去看电影是不可能的。

The boy had no money, so ______________________________________________________.

3. 新政府在内战之后建立起来的。

A new government _________________________was set up after the war.

4. 公众要知道谁对火灾负责。

The public want to know ______________________________________________.

5. 我们应该提出一个有效的方法来 改善我们的英语学习。

We should ___________________to improve our English study..

6. 卧室的门需要油漆一下。

The door of the bedroom __________________________________________.

7. 你认为哪种邮票值得收集?

What kind of stamp ______________________________________________?

8. 据估计,有100多人殁于这起空难。

_______________________________ more than 100 people died in the air disaster.

More than 100 people __________________________________________________.


1. As a result , a letter is being written to you to voice my opinions.

______, I am _______ to you to voice my opinions.

2. At the meeting, they proposed that these rare animals should be saved .

At the meeting,_____ were put _____that these rare animals should be saved .

3.There are a lot of signs in the mountains ,and some are specially designed to guide tourists at night.

There are a lot of signs in the mountains ,of _____ some are specially designed to guide tourists at night.

4.As soon as you get to the top of the mountain, you will feel happy and that you have achieved a lot.

On ______ the top of the mountain,a feeling of _____ and a sense of ______ will be experienced.

5.This novel is about a German professor who discovers an amazing secret in an ancient book.

This novel is about a professor from_____ who discovers an amazing secret in an ancient book.

6.In the film,he was playing a World Cup final and the director made the teenager think that he scored the winning goal.

In the film, a World Cup_______was ______ played and the teenager was made to think that he scored the winning goal.

7.In reality, my grandfather cannot walk any longer,but with Realcine, he experienced a real African adventure,and thrilled when he saw a lion.

______a matter of fact, my grandfather can_____longer walk, but with Realcine, he experienced a real African adventure, and thrilled when_______a lion.


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