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高一英语 Unit3 Celebration导学



【摘要】“高一英语 Unit3 Celebration导学案”本文为教师整理了高一英语教案,供大家参考,希望给大家带来帮助:

Lesson3 Grammar

Tips:All things in their being are good for something.(天生我材必有用)

Learning aim: learn the use of the modal verbs have to /not have to , can/can’t, ought to /ought not to

Learning methods: observe----learn-----summarize------use

Learning steps:

StepI: Underline all the following words in the texts and translate them.

have to , don’t have to, ought to, ought not to, can’t,can

StepII: Match the verbs to their meanings.(A级)

1 have to a) not necessary

2 don’t have to b) necessary

3 can c) not allowed/not possible

4 can’t d) allowed/ possible

5 ought to e) not advisable

6 ought not to f) advisable

StepIII:Transtrate the following sentences.(B级)

1.1)I can’t go out now, I have to look after my baby .


2)I must find a job,my parents can’t support me any longer.


3)— Must we hand in our exercise books today?

— Yes, you must. (No, you don’t have to/need’t.)


总结:must 和have to表示___________,但must表示___________观,have to表示_________观(如例句1,2所示)


must与have to有下列几点不同:

① must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而have to则往往强调客观需要。

The play is not interesting. I really must go now.

I had to work when I was your age.

② must与have to 的时态差别: have有时态的变化,如三单has, 过去时had ,表示 客观上的不得不,能与所有 时态一起。must为情态动词, 无时态的变化 , 表示主观上的必须, 需要。

③ 二者的否定意义不大相同。如:

You mustn't go. 你可不要去。

You don't have to go. 你不必去。

④ 询问对方的意愿时应用must。如:

Must I clean all the room?

2 1)Can you speak English?

__________________________________________________ can表示能力(如体力和脑力方面),意为“__________”等can表示能力时,还可用be able to代替。如:

I'll not be able to come this afternoon.


— Can/Could I go now?

— Yes, you can.(回答语中不能用could)


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