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Learning aims

1. Learn about the origin and development of life on earth.

2. Master the new words and expressions in the reading passage.


Find out some knowledge about astronomy before class

Warming Up

Think about these questions and then discuss them with your partner.

1. In our solar system eight planets circle around the sun. What are they? Can you match the names with the planets? (pictures on page 25)

2. What interests you in astronomy? Do you know any questions that astronomers are interested in?


Task1. Pre-reading

1. The origin of life on earth is a question that interests astronomers. What do you know about it?

2. Earth religion and culture has its own ideas about how life began on the earth. What do you know?

3. Read the title and look at the pictures. Predict what the reading will be about. Then read it quickly to check if you are right.

Task2. Skimming

Skim over the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph. ( Match the main idea of each paragraph.)

Paragraph 1: a. The importance of water for life

Paragraph 2: b.The development of plants and animals on the earth

Paragraph 3: c.The formation of the earth

Paragraph 4: d.A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe

Paragraph 5: e. The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth

Task3. Skipping

Put the order of development of life into a timeline.

1. Insects and amphibians appeared. 2. Dinosaurs appeared.

3. The earth became a solid ball. 4. Small plants grew on the water.

5. Reptiles appeared. 6. Plants began to grow on dry land.

7. The earth was a cloud of dust 8. Water appeared on the earth

9. Shellfish and other fish appeared. 10. The universe began with a “Big Bang”.

11. Clever animals with hands and feet appeared 12. Mammals appeared.

Task4. Detailed reading



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