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高一英语My new teachers单元教案



My new teachers单元教案

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge and Skill

a. Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about their teachers and describe what their teachers look like

b Reading: understand the meanings of certain words in context applying to guessing meaning skills.

c. Writing: develop the ability of using commas

d. Listening: Grasp the ability of listening for specific facts

2.Emotion and Values

a. Improve the relationship between the teachers and the students by comparing the relationship between teachers and the students in other countries.

b. To help them set the correct and all-the-round thinking away, and enforce to control the directions of thinking.

c. To encourage the Ss to be active and cooperative in the class

3. Cross-cultural awareness:

a. To help them learn about different relationship between teachers and students in other countries.

4. Character-building:

a. To help them know more about their teachers and love the teachers deeply in order to make their relationship more harmonious..

b. To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a group

Difficulties and Importance:

a. Master the usage of –ing form.

b. Improve the student’s ability of grasping the general idea of the passage.

Teaching Method:

a. Task-based methodology

b. pair-work& group-work

Teaching Procedures:

Period 1

Teaching Content: Vocabulary and listening

Everyday English

Activity 1. Ask the Ss to write”+” for positive adjectives, and “-”for negative adjectives. (Some words will have a positive and a negative meaning, depending on the context.)

amusing energetic funny intelligent kind lively nervous

organized patient popular serious shy strict stupid


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