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高一英语Growing pains教案



Growing pains教案



一、 教学内容:

牛津高中英语模块一Unit 2 (下)







一、 重要单词:

upset, sincerely, insist, chat, valuable, period, argument, freedom, relationship, suggest, spare, unloving, forbid, tone, frustrated, express, volume, stress, pause, exact, emotional, mood, gist, merely, regular, solve, column ,columnist, resource, proofread, version, nervous.


rising/falling tone升调、降调, talk show谈话节目, main point要点, supporting information辅助性信息, a diary entry一篇日记, be proud of为….感到骄傲, stay up late熬夜, mix up混淆, after all毕竟, take one’s advice接受建议, miss doing sth怀念以前做的某事, keep in mind记住, get it tidied up把它整理好, clean up打扫干净, make a difference要紧, provide sb with sth/provide sth for sb为某人提供, provided that假如, to one’s surprise使某人惊奇的是, as though就好像, insist on doing坚持要做, allow him his freedom允许给他自由, send sb to bed叫某人去睡觉, forbid sb from doing sth禁止某人做某事, assign roles to分派角色, argue about sth with sb为某事和某人争吵.


1. They are meant to be read aloud, and often use less formal language than other type of writing.


“Be meant to be”+被动语态、名词或形容词,表示“应该用作、本应当作”和 “be supposed to be”相似。例如:

Flowers are meant to be admired, not picked.

Sitcoms are meant to be light-hearted, but this one is full of violence.

副词aloud表示“出声’, loudly表示 “大声”。注意loud可以当作副词和talk, speak, laugh连用,例如:They laughed loud and long. Can you speak a little louder?

2. You can’t write exactly the way people speak.


the way people speak在这里是方式状语,people speak是定语从句,修饰先行词the way。这句话较正式的写法可以是:

You can’t write exactly in the way that people speak.

You can’t write exactly the way in which people speak.

3. But I don’t think you are being fair at all.


Be+being 构成了be动词的进行时,后面跟形容词或名词,表示主语当前的状况,也可以表示进行时的被动语态。例如:

You are silly.你很蠢。(对人的评价,在这里是一种人身攻击)

You are being silly你现在的行为或想法很蠢。(就事论事)

He is polite.他有礼貌。

He is being polite.他这样做是出于礼貌。

Many rivers and lakes are being polluted through out China.


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