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1. You ________on the phone.

A. want B. are wanted C. are wanting D. are being wanted

2. The 11th Party Congress ________in August 1977.

A. was held B. held C. is held D. holds

3. ________to attend the memorial meeting?

A. Shall we ask B. Shall we be asking C. shall we be asked D. Shall be we asked

4. The machine is ________in the school factory.

A. been repaired B. been repaired C. being repairing D. being repaired

5. Chairman Mao’s works ________into scores of languages since 1958.

A. have translated B. were translated C. have been translated D. has been translated

6. I haven’t seen him for a week. He ________that day.

A. must be wounded  B. must have been wounded

C. must wound  D. must have wounded

7. Another building is going ________right beside the office building.

A. to build B. to be building C. to being built D. to be built

8. In a sense, bad things ________into good things.

A. can be turned B. can have turned C. can turn D. can be turning

9. The question ________in.

A. needn’t brought B. needn’t be brought C. needn’t to be brought  D. needn’t bring

10. These blood debts will have ________in blood.

A. been paid B. to pay C. paid D. to be paid

11. These criminals are sure________.

A. to punish B. to be punishing C. to punished D. to be punished

12. These broken-down cars are ________next month

A. repaired B. repairing C. being repaired D. to be repaired

13. Have the doctors________?

A. been sent for B. sent for C. been sending for D. being sent for

14. The question has been much ________recently?

A. talking about  B. talked about C. talking D. talked

15. For this he has been ________twice.

A. operating on B. operated on C. operate D. operated

16. So far no conclusion________.

A. was arrived B. was arrived at C. has been arrived D. has been arrived at

17. The English evening has ________till Friday.

A. put off B. called off C. been put off D. been called off

18. Lots of new words have ________.

A. to be looked B. to be looked up C. to look up D. looked up

19. Women ________in the old days.

A. were looked down upon B. were looked down

C. had been looked down upon D. had been looked down

20. Which of the following is not correct?

A. They were given a warm send off at the airport.

B. A warm send off was given to them at the airport.

C. A warm send off was given them at the airport.

D. They were given to a warm send off at the airport.

21. Many cities became ________in the following months.

A. liberation B. liberating C. liberate D. liberated

22. The book ________. We all like it very much.

A. was well written B. well written write C. is well written D. well wrote

23. He ________to going to bed early.

A. has got used B. has used C. has been using D. has using

24. A quarrel ________between Xiao Hong and Xiao Fang last night.

A was broken out B. broken out C. broke out. D. is broken out

25. This kind of cloth ________very well.

A. washes B. is washed C. washed D. is being washed

26. It ________that the meat cooks well.

A. seems B. is seemed C. was seemed D. seemed

27. She is a very nice person ________.

A. to be worked with B. to be working with C. to work with D. working with

28. The boy ________stealing a pocket-radio from the shop.

A. caught B. was caught C. caught in D. was catching in

29. Brooke is so lazy that he ________very soon.

A. is said to be fired  B. is said that he was fired

C. says to be fired  D. is said to fire

30. He insisted on ________to work in the poor countryside.

A. sending B. being sending C. to be sent D. being sent


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