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英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一英语学科寒假假期百分百作业,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

1. Tony is going camping with ________boys.

A. little two other B. two little other C. two other little D. little other two

2. — Mum, I think I’m ________to get back to school.

— Not really, my dear, you’d better stay at home for another day or two.

A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough

3. — Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?

— If you keep still, you can sit at ________end.

A. neither B. each C. either D. any

4. It is impossible for so ________people to do so________work in a single day.

A. few; much B. few; many C. little; much D. little; many

5. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ________tractors in 1988 as the year before.

A. as twice many B. as many C. twice as many D. twice many as

6. Which is ________country, Canada or Australia?

A. a large B. larger C. a larger D. the larger

7. — Will you take this dictionary to Mr. Anderson, please?

— Sorry, I can’t, he________.

A. doesn’t any more study here B. doesn’t any longer there study

C. doesn’t study any more there D. doesn’t study there any longer

8. — I have to pay 100 dollars for this toy car.

— It’s probably________.

A. worthy them B. worthy it C. worth them D. worth it

9. The color TV set in the Yellow Crane Commercial Building will be ________, but ________.

A. cheaper; not as good  B. cheaper; not as better

C. more cheap; not as better D. more cheap; not as good

10. Her voice sounds________.

A. sweetly B. sweet C. to be sweetly D. to be sweet

11. May I have ________more water-melons (西瓜)?

A. any B. every C. some D. each

12. He is not planning to go________.

A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere

13. I don’t like this ink, I like ________ink.

A. some others B. another C. an other D. some other

14. The work pleased the old man; this work________.

A. pleased B. was pleased C. pleasing D. was pleasing

15. Eating an apple a day is considered ________to health.

A. use B. usely C. useful D. useless

16. Do you know the name of that________?

A. funny, little, red mosquito-like insect B. little, funny, mosquito-like insect

C. red, little, funny, mosquito-like insect D. little, mosquito-like, funny, red insect.

17. We can finish our lecture________quickly if you keep quiet for a few minutes.

A. fairly B. well C. too D. soon

18. — Let’s go to the seashore this morning.

— We are planning to; in fact we have the picnic basket packed ________.

A. however B. still C. yet D. already

19. She is ________too old to travel long.

A. quite B. very C. far D. many

20. — I wish Mubble would drive us to the airport.

— He has ________to take us all.

A. too small a car B. very small a car C. a too small car D. such small a car

21. Piddy’s plan was ________.

A. so good as, if no better than ours B. as good as, if not better than ours

C. as good like, if no better than our’s D. as well as, if not better than ours

22. The more we looked at the mountain, ________.

A. the less we liked it B. we like it less

C. better we like it D. it looked better

23. Who lives ________here?

A. farthest away B. furthest away C. the farthest from D. the further away

24. — How was the party?

— Fine except that we arrived________.

A. terribly late B. terribly lately C. terrible late D. terrible lately

25. — How about Joe Hill?

— He arrived home ________and sound.

A. safe B. safely C. with safety D. in safe

26. — What do you think of that job, Tonny?

— We feel ________that the job shouldn’t have been done so carelessly.

A. strong B. strongly C. being strong D. to be strong

27. Because she was late again for school, the teacher became________.

A. very angrily B. much angry C. very angry D. much angrily

28. Can you give me ________change for this ten-dollar note?

A. little B. short C. small D. tiny


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