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社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高一英语学科寒假快乐寒假作业,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。


1.I'm sorry to b________ you, but I have something important to tell you.

2.Living in the business d________ of a city provides a  great convenience for shopping.

3.The r________ for a house in the city center is usually higher than that in the suburbs.

4.If the animals cannot find enough food to eat,they  will s________ or have to leave the place.

5.These days those who often drive find it more and more difficult to find a place to p________ their cars.

6.A recent ________(调查)shows that on average  high school girls are smarter than boys.

7.At first the boy didn't want to meet the children in the ________(街坊), but now they're getting on well with one another.

8.The Oriental Pearl Tower (东方明珠塔) is considered as symbolic ________(建筑)of Shanghai.

9.The ________(当地的) government has taken many strict measures to prevent the factories from polluting the rivers.

10.The advantages of our products are ________(吸引人) design,high quality and reasonable prices.

答案:1.bother 2.district 3.rent 4.starve 5.park 6.survey

7.neighbourhood 8.architecture 9.local 10.attractive


attract, sound, tour, approach, pretty, fortunate

1.As they ________ the abandoned house, they heard someone talking inside.

2.Beijing has been listed as one of the most  ________tourist attractions in China.

3.I worked as a tour guide so that I could practise my spoken English with the foreign ________.

4.A storm hit the village last night. ________, it did very little damage to the crops.

5.I'm ________ sure he'll say yes. Do you think so?

6.It ________ a good idea to go for a picnic in the park at the weekend.

答案:1.approached 2.attractive 3.tourists 4.Fortunately 5.pretty 6.sounds


1.I live in a three-storey apartment.

I live in an apartment ________ ________ ________.

2.He has been away from his hometown for six years.

________ ________ ________ six years since he ________ his hometown.

3.This is my first visit to Hong Kong.

This is ________ ________ ________ that I ________ ________ Hong Kong.

4.He seems to have known the truth of the matter.

________ ________ that he ________ ________the truth of the matter.

5.How about going to the concert this weekend?

________ ________go to the concert this weekend?

答案:1.with  three storeys 2.It has been; left 3.the first time; have visited 4.It seems; has known 5.Shall we/Why not


1.—Have you ever come here before?

—No. It is my first time that I ________ (be) to this city.

答案:have been 在“It is my first/second time that+句子”结构中, that从句要用现在完成时。

2.I wish I could go camping with you next weekend; it sounds fun. ________(unfortunate), I'll have to work.

答案:Unfortunately 句意为:我希望我能够和你在下周末去野营,听起来太有趣了。不幸的是,我得上班。unfortunately“不幸地”,符合句意。

3.The poor little boy has suffered a lot ________ his parents died in the earthquake in 2008.

答案:since 由since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。

4.—How about going to the English Corner close to the Jinjian Hotel?

—________(sound) great. I'm willing to go there with you this Friday evening.

答案:Sounds Sounds great.是It sounds great.的省略形式, sound 为系动词。

5.Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can ________ almost every word her teacher says.

答案:put down 考查动词短语。put down意为“把……放下,镇压,平息,写下,记下”。句意:玛丽真的擅长在课堂上记笔记,她几乎能记下老师说的每一个字。

6.—Do you want me to return the book for you?

—No, don't ________. I can manage it myself.

答案:bother 句意为:——“你想让我为你还这本书吗?”——“不,不麻烦了,我自己能行。”don't bother“不麻烦了”。

7.Mr. Jia made up her mind to try a new ________ to teaching English in her class.

答案:approach approach与介词to搭配。

8.People from the south find it difficult to understand ________people from the north are saying.

答案:what what people from the north are saying作动词understand的宾语,构成宾语从句,what在从句中作saying的宾语。

9.James is a famous architecture designer(设计者) whose style is similar to ________ of Frank Lloyd Wright's.

答案:that that指代前文所提到过的一类中的另一个,在这里指代style,that可指代单数名词或不可数名词;it指前文所提到过的,相当于the one。

10.—How do you find the movie?


答案:It's pretty good 句意为:——“这部电影怎么样?”——“太好了”。


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