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英语是世界上最广泛的第二语言,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的上学期高一寒假英语试题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

1 I’ll show you a store ___you may buy all___you need.

A in which;that  B  where ;which C which; that  D that; that

2 For all these years I have been working for others. I ’m hoping I’ll __my own business someday.   A turn up  B  fix up  C  set  up  D  make up

3Though he failed many times in election,he never lost __heart and at last he was elected __president of the USA

A /;a   B  a; the  C  his ; the  D /;/

4 Old Tom took up the cleaning task of the neighborhood without any___.

A awards   B  rewards   C  results  D  prizes

5His son was put in__prison,He went to__prison to see him once a month.

A /;/  B  the ;the   C /; the   D  the ;/

6Only after the second tower of the World Trade Center was hit__people know it was not an accident,but an attak of some kind.

A  done  B  does  C  do  D  did

7 The English teacher__most of her time __teaching her students.

A  spent ;to  B  took ;in  C cost; on  D devoted ;to

8He arrived in New York,__some time later,he became a writer.

A  when  B  where  C  that  D  which

9 The management of the company should be open ,fair and just.That is to say,all problem should be dealt with___.

A in general  B  on principle  C  with care  D  for fun

10Look out !Don’t get too close to the house__roof is under repair.

A whose  B where  C  of which  D  that

11I thought the plan was very practical,so I voted __it.

A  against   B  on  C  for   D to

12The result of the experiment was very good,___we hadn’t expected.

A when   B  that   C  which   D  what

13 With no one to___in such a frightening situation ,she felt very helpless.

A  turn on  B  turn off  C turn over  D  turn to

14The reason___he was late for the meeting is____his car broke down on the road.

A why ; that  B  why ;because  C  which ; that  D  for which  ,because

15Fitness is importantin sport,butof at least__importance are skill.

A  fair  B  reasonable   C equal  D proper

16Carol said the work would be done by October,___personally I doubt very much.

A  it  B that  C  when  D  which

17__is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.

A  Which  B  As   C  That  D  It

18Mandela was__to five years’ hard work labour for encouraging violence against the government.           A  reported  B  given   C  realized   D  sentenced


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