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I. 听力理解(共三节,满分22.5分)



1. What did the man enjoy doing yesterday?

A. Going shopping.      B. Seeing a film.        C. Playing football.

2. Where are the two speakers?

A. In the library.        B. In the cinema.        C. In the post office.

3. Why did the woman get a ticket?

A. She drove too fast.

B. She made a wrong turn.

C. She parked in the wrong place.

4. When will the woman be able to hand in her report?

A. On Monday morning.  B. On Monday afternoon.  C. On Wednesday afternoon.




5. Which class is the boy in?

A. Class Two.             B. Class Three.          C. Class Four.

6. What will the girl do next Saturday afternoon?

A. Cheer the boy on.

B. Watch the boy practice.

C. Practice basketball with the boy.


7. What is the best thing for the woman in the ski club?

A. Meeting new friends.     B. Improving skiing skills. C. Planning skiing trips.

8. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Close friends.           B. Teacher and student.   C. Coach and player.


9. Which color coat will the woman take?

A. The red one.          B. The black one.       C. The yellow one.

10. What do we know about the woman?

A. She can't afford to buy more clothes.

B. She wants to buy trousers to go with the coat.

C. She plans to go to another shop.


Ⅱ. 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


11. The Yellow River is _________ the Pearl River.

A. twice long as                        B. twice as long as

C. as twice longer as                  D. as long twice as

12. -Have you got ready for your speech?

-No. I _________ about the topic, but I haven't decided.

A. will think                         B. have been thinking

C. had thought                        D. thought

13. He returned to his home town _________ he was born and grew up.

A. where         B. when              C. which          D. whose

14. Although he _________ that the plan was not perfect, he still decided to put it into practice.

A. appreciated     B. admitted          C. recognized        D. evaluated

15. Many people were invited to his birthday party, most of _________ are his friends and relatives.

A. that          B. which            C. whom            D. what

16. Yao Ming is known _________ his wonderful basketball skills and noble personality.

A. as           B. to                C. of                D. for

17. His favorite team won the match, _________ made him cheerful.

A. that           B. it               C. which           D. as

18. She promised to take part in the race but at the last minute she_________.

A. backed out    B. broke out          C. ran out           D. pulled out

19. So far, we _________ the construction of the new subway line.

A. have finished   B. finished           C. had finished      D. are finishing

20. They were _________ at first, but managed to get out of the burning building.

A. amazed       B. excited            C. confused          D. terrified

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


Imagine that Mom and Dad have friends over, and you have to talk to adults all evening. Say the wrong thing and the parents may get mad.  But, say   21  , and they'll think you weren't friendly. So,   22   can you talk with adults?

It's   23  Just ask them questions about themselves. "Many of them like to talk about what they do for a living," suggests psychologist Tim Ursiny, author of The Confidence Plan.

Kids can also talk to grown-ups about   24  Ask what the last good movie they saw was, because people at dinner parties "light up" when the   25   turns to movies, Ursiny says. If a grown-up is   26   Harry Potter, it's OK to talk about your love for Harry. It's a safe topic, one that both grown-ups and kids can enjoy, so go ahead and talk about whether Dumbledore is really dead.

But   27   the topic of video games. "Adults don't want to hear about your video game 28   they play it," Ursiny explains.

Adults also don't want to hear slang. Don't use language they don't   29   Ursiny says kids should learn to speak to other people in their own language.   30   most adults aren't into slang, they do remember what it was like to be a kid. Ursiny recommends asking adults what school was like when they were your age. "It might be a fun discussion if you   31   your 10th-grade experience with theirs." Make sure you   32   with your parents beforehand to find out which topics are off-limits (禁区).

Also, don't chat about things that make your parents feel guilty. Don't mention   33   stuff such as how Dad has been sleeping on the couch, Ursiny says, And don't complain that Mom has been late preparing breakfast.

Instead, Ursiny says, kids should try to put themselves in their parents'   34   Learning how to   35   that type of understanding might help you out in the future." The most successful people can develop a sympathetic feeling for others," he says.

21. A. everything     B. something       C. anything          D. nothing

22. A. how         B. what             C. why              D. when

23. A. important     B. interesting        C. hard              D. easy

24. A. movies       B. meals             C. parties            D. hobbies

25. A. translation     B. conversation       C. description        D. introduction

26. A. in            B. on               C. into              D. onto

27. A. escape       B. avoid             C. prevent            D. ban

28. A. when         B. unless             C. but               D. because

29. A. believe       B. teach             C. understand         D. admire

30. A. While        B. As              C. If               D. Since

31. A. show         B. compare          C. balance           D. match

32. A. chat        B. play              C. study             D. stay

33. A. unbelievable   B. special            C. unpleasant        D. rough

34. A. shoes         B. clothes            C. condition          D. location

35. A. produce       B. shape            C. raise             D. develop

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分)



Our Team

Matt Buczek

Matt has spent more than 20 summers at summer camp in America. Matt grew up in England, gaining a Master's Degree in Education and worked as a teacher for 5 years.  Matt looks forward to providing first class service to camps and helping to provide a memorable summer experience.

Matt lives with his wife, Paulann, his dog, Oscar and his twin girls, Molly and Lily, who are 28 years old.  He loves soccer, boxing and home improvement.  Matt can be reached via e-mail at matt@ 3adventures. com or 888. 724. 4292 ext 1.

Scott Curry

It's hard to believe that Scott has been in camping since 1989 -that's more than 25 years! Scott has directed some of the biggest and excellent exchange programs in the country.  Scott's relationships across the globe ensure a great pool of staff for 3 Adventures to share with our camps and employers.

Scott lives in New York City with his wife, Lilik, and is interested in fishing. Scott can be reached via e-mail at scott@ 3adventures. com or 888.724. 4292 ext 3.

Jeff Daly

Jeff has been involved in camping for over 24 years! With a love for youth development, Jeff has interviewed and trained thousands of camp counselors over his career and looks forward to providing outstanding service for camp experience.

Jeff lives with his wife, Kelly, his daughter Mary, his son Miles and his dogs! Jeff loves having the opportunity to travel, camping with friends and family, and is a complete fanboy of anything related to Star Wars. Jeff can be reached via e-mail at jeff@ 3adventures. com or 888. 724. 4292 ext 2.

36. According to the period of their camping experiences, the longest working time is ___________.

A. 20 years        B. 28 years         C. 24 years         D. 25 years

37. From the passage, we can learn that all of them ___________.

A. directed the biggest programs in the country

B. gained a Master's Degree in Education

C. can provide good service for camps

D. have pets at home

38. As a young man, if you want to become a camp counselor, you can get advice from ___________.

A. Jeff Daly        B. Scott Curry      C. Matt Buczek       D. Kelly Daly

39. The passage is designed for the person who ___________.

A. has different hobbies.                 B. wants to take adventures

C. wants to make e-pals with them         D. has some problems with family life


Tourists can now come face-to-face with huge saltwater crocodiles as they swim underwater in the glass-lined "Cage of Death", an attraction now offered at Northern Australia's Crocosaurus Cove.

For the attraction, brave visitors enter a transparent box that is 9 feet tall but only 1.5 inches thick. The cage is lowered into the underwater place where four crocodiles live, allowing visitors to see very closely and play with various crocodiles-including one who starred as a beast in the well-known movie "Crocodile Dundee".

Although the experience only lasts about 15 minutes, guests have to accept an instruction in safety before entering the cage.

"I dive with sharks but it's not this close. It's extremely exciting to get that close to a crocodile of that size," one adventurer told us excitedly as soon as he got out of the "Cage of Death".

"The cage has no bars, unlike cages used in shark dives, which prevents the beasts from attacking people but deep teeth scratches (划痕) can be seen everywhere on the sides, frightening a lot of visitors who consider taking part," reports the manager.

Saltwater crocodiles, known locally in Australia as "salties", are among the largest crocodile species in the world.  The males can grow nearly 20 feet long and have been known to weigh over 2, 200 pounds.

An on-site photographer will catch what goes down on film so that tourists can remember the adrenaline (肾上腺素) rush moment through photos-if they choose to pay an additional fee for the keepsakes (纪念品).

The "Cage of Death'" experience itself costs $120 per person, in addition to entry to Crocosaurus Cove, which is $28. If you and a friend want to experience the exciting adventure, both of you can enter the cage together and have a close contact with those thrilling crocodiles for $160.

40.  The underlined word "transparent" in Paragraph 2 probably mean ___________.

A. thick          B. huge            C. clear          D. safe


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