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61. has taken     62. And       63. of      64. a            65. returning

66. for          67. Unlike     68. who    69. instructions    70. that



After the  college entrance examination, most students will face a serious question: Should they

choose a good major and a good university first? Some students preferred to consider majors first so w   w

or                                 prefer

that they can learn which they are interested in. This will make it possible for them to take their most


favorite job in the future. Therefore, those who think differently believe that the learning environment


is important and ∧graduates from a leading university is more likely to find good jobs.

that                            are

In my opinions, the best choice is a good major at a good university. If we cannot obtain all, the

opinion                                                           both

first thing to consider is a good major, because wherever they study, we can still achieve a lot in a


certain field if we try our best.


Recently our class has conducted a survey about “The growth of post-90’s generation”. People have different opinions on it.

Some people think that the post-90’s generation are confident, ambitious and independent in thinking. They are fond of new things, ready to accept and try them. What’s more, they have many new ideas, which makes them more creative. It's especially worth mentioning that they are enthusiastic and caring. They treasure friendship and are good at communicating with others.

However, others argue that the post-90’s generation are too self-centered and dependent on their parents in life or teachers in study. They tend to live a comfortable life but are less able to overcome frustration. Besides, some of them lack the sense of responsibility and don't know how to show gratitude to others. Worse still, many are so weak in controlling themselves that they are often addicted to the Internet.

As a member of them, I think we post-90’s generation should be aware of our own strengths and weaknesses, so that we can put emphasis on perfecting ourselves. Only in this way can we gain respect and faith from others.


Text 1

W: There they are! I’ve been looking for them everywhere.

M: You mean your keys? You're always losing them.

W: I know, and I thought I’d really lost them this time. Thank goodness!

Text 2

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes, doctor. This is my daughter. She’s only three years old.

M: What happened to her?

W: She drank some ink ten minutes ago.

Text 3

W: I thought the apples were eight dollars a pound.

M: They used to be, but now the price has gone up by 1.5 dollars a pound.

W: Well, I’ll take 4 pounds.

Text 4

M: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?

W: Well, take the second turning on the right, and there is a bus stop. Bus No. 16 will take you right

there. Or you can walk there. It’s only 12 minutes' walk.

M: Well, there's only ten minutes to go. A taxi is my only choice.

Text 5

M: Sally, how are you going to get home from the party tomorrow?

W: I really have no idea. It’s quite a problem actually. The last bus for my home leaves at 10 pm and

it’s too early to leave the party.

Text 6

W: I have to remind you of your blood pressure. It’s very high.

M: My blood pressure?

W: Yes. I strongly advise you to change your diet.

M: Hmm. I’m afraid it won't be so easy.

W: I know it won’t, but you really have to. It’s absolutely important.

M: I understand. Do you have any suggestions that might help?

W: Yes, you should eat less salty food. And you might look for a cookbook that has low-fat recipes.

M: Good suggestions! I’ll try to follow them. Thank you very much.

Text 7

W: I’ve got two tickets for a pop concert this evening. Would you like to go with me?

M: No, thanks. I'm not interested in pop music at all. I’d rather stay at home and watch the live football match tonight.

W: Oh, why not? Have you attended such concerts before?

M: No, I haven’t. I really don’t like them.

W: You don’t know what you are missing.

M: What do you mean by that?

W: They are very exciting, and there is a lot of fun.

M: Really? Who is playing at tonight’s concert?

W: Two world famous musicians. One is from the USA and the other is from China.

M: Sounds interesting.

W: What is your plan now?

M: Well, in that case, I’ll go there with you.

Text 8

M: Where to go?

W: The Pacific Hotel on Granville Street.

M: Have you just arrived in London?

W: No, I have been here since last spring.

M: I guess you are a student.

W: In fact, I’m a student from the University of Edinburgh, and I’m on an educational programme.

M: I see. By the way, when will you go back home?

W: At the end of August. Have you been driving a taxi for a long time?

M: Only a couple of hours!

W: Do you mean you’re just learning how to do it?

M: Just a joke! This is my second job. I do this on weekends to earn some more money. We call it


W: That’s interesting.

M: Here you are. The Pacific Hotel. The meter says 18.60 pounds.

W: Here you are. Keep the change, please.

Text 9

M: When do you want to leave for that seaside town, Martha?

W: I’m not sure yet, but maybe we sho uld leave after work on Friday.

It’s a long drive, but I’d rather get there late Friday than at midday on Saturday. We have three

days off this time after all.

M: How long is the drive?

W: Five or six hours.

M: Say you leave at 4:30 pm, right after work, and you’ll be there at about nine or ten.

W: I suppose so. And we could still have a good night sleep.

M: What are you going to take?

W: Mostly shorts and T-shirts.

M: Don’t you think it’s a bit cold at the seaside at night?

W: Maybe. I’m going to take a sweater or a light coat, just in case.

M: I hope you have a good time there.

Text 10

Hello! Welcome to the Science Museum. We all know that science plays an important role in our lives. For example, we use machines every day in our work and life. But we are so used to them that we may not give them a second thought. On this tour you will see some early models of these machines.

To begin the tour, turn left to the Telecommunication Room. Here you will see the development of radios, televisions and telephones. On the right you can see some radio sets from the 1930s. They seem very big compared with today's pocket radios. Televisions, on the other hand, have become bigger. In the 1950s TV sets began to appear in ordinary homes. Telephones, too, have changed greatly. On your left you can see some early phones, including some 19th century ones.

Now let's go to the Picture Room, where you .can learn about the history of photography and films. It was very difficult to take photographs with some of the early cameras you can see here. The people whose pictures were taken had to stand still for many minutes! At the end of the 19th century, people began to make cameras which could take a lot of pictures fast —— film cameras. The film was turned by a wheel and light was shone through it so that the pictures seemed to be moving. The biggest change to films came in the 1920s when sound was introduced. Color was another important change.

Now you can see how different our lives would be without the machines you see today.






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