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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高中一年级英语寒假作业题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。



第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What is the man going to do on Friday?

A. Go to dance. B. Go to a party. C. Go to a lecture.

2.  What does the woman mean?

A. The tour was worth the time but not the money.

B. The tour was not worth the time or the money.

C. The tour was worth the money but not the time.

3.  What does the man mean?

A. He has another meeting to attend on that day.

B. He is available either day.

C. He can’t attend a two-day conference.

4.  What will the woman probably do?

A. Go to the beach with her friends.

B. Postpone her meeting with Professor Jones.

C. See Professor Jones after class.

5.  What does the man imply about Janet?

A. She isn’t a very good student.

B. She hasn’t gotten her grades yet.

C. She shouldn’t worry about her grades.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.  Which is one of the purposes of the English Language Center?

A. To help students prepare to enter Canada universities.

B. To offer students opportunities to make friends with each other.

C. To provide work opportunities for graduating students.

7.  What is the course taught at the English Language Center?

A. Canada culture.

B. Computer technology.

C. Business English.

8.  What is the fee for a full-time student at the English Language Center?

A. $3,300. B. $3,030. C. $3,013.


9.  Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.

B. At an airport.

C. In a food store.

10.  How many children are there in the woman’s family?

A. Five. B. Six. C. Twelve.

11.  What does the woman’s father do?

A. He sells food.

B. He flies planes.

C. He drives a taxi.


12.  What was the man doing when his problems started?

A. Watching a game on TV with his friends.

B. Playing basketball with some of his friends.

C. Putting the manuscript of his wife’s book in order.

13.  How did some pages of the book become totally ruined?

A. They burned up in a fire.

B. They were damaged by water.

C. Someone threw them away by mistake.

14.  What sort of reaction does the man expect from his wife?

A. Disappiontment.     B. Surprise.       C. Anger.


15.  Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In the hospital.

B. In an office.

C. In a car.

16.  What happened to the man?

A. He was caught by the policemen.

B. He was attacked.

C. He was wearing a stocking.

17.  When did he leave his office?

A. 8:45. B. 9:15. C. 9:45.


18.  What was Walt Disney interested in when he was a child?

A. Telling stories.

B. Drawing pictures.

C. Joining the army.

19.  What did he do during the First World War?

A. He studied cartooning.

B. He worked for a company.

C. He went abroad.

20.  Which of the following is TRUE about Walt Disney?

A. He was born in Chicago in 1910.

B. He made several films with an old camera.

C. He and his brother set up a company in 1932.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. It is known that water is not ______ endless resource, nor ______ that can be made once more.

A. the; /  B. an; one     C. an; that     D. /; one

22.  Good heavens! There you are! We ______ anxious about you, and we _____ you back throughout the night.

A. are; expect      B. were; had expected

C. have been; were expecting    D. are; were expecting

23.  This book is said to be the special one, which ______ many events that cannot be found in other history books.

A. covers        B. writes          C. prints          D. reads

24.  Mr. Alexander doesn’t just write for fun; ______, writing is his bread and butter.

A. at last        B. in fact          C. in a word         D. as a result

25.  People do not give up smoking because they are ______ nicotine.

A. addicting with     B. addicted to   C. addicting in   D. addicted for

26.  By ______ Chinese traditions with Western forms, the musician has developed the Chinese music.

A. composing  B. influencing  C. containing  D. mixing

27.  It was the first time that I ______ so difficult a task in such a short time. I simply couldn’t believe it.

A. have finished        B. had finished

C. will finish         D. finished

28.  ______ I think disappoints the Smiths is that their child is crazy about online games.

A. That      B. Why     C. What      D. Whether

29. John apologized for ______ to finish his homework on time.

A. his being not able       B. his not to be able

C. his not being able       D. him to be not able

30. I’d like to offer my hearty ______ to you on your ______.

A. congratulation, getting married   B. congratulations, getting married

C. congratulation, get married   D. congratulations, getting marry

31.  ---- Can’t you ______ a better word than “nice” to describe your holiday?

---- Is “wonderful”, OK?

A. keep up with  B. put up with  C. come up with  D. catch up with

32.  ______ 200 students went for the picnic, ______ some from No. 4 Middle School.

A. Totally; includes       B. In total; included

C. Total; including       D. In total; including

33.  When ______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.

A. compared         B. being compared

C. comparing         D. having compared

34. The train to Xi’an was ______ to arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late because of the bad weather.

A. sure    B. likely   C. supposed   D. certain

35.  ---- Now more and more Chinese senior students are applying for admission to American universities through SAT.

---- ______. But taking an SAT may cost one more than 10,000 Yuan.

A. I hope so          B. Not really

C. That’s the case         D. That sounds reasonable


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