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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了2016年高一英语寒假作业检测试题,供参考。

一 单词拼写(14分)

1.       He is always working hard, and makes good p_____________ for the examination every time.

2.       __________(教授) Li is well respected for his lively and interesting classes.

3.       Please keep me i____________ of any development in your area.

4.       Her endless _____________ (耐心) made her the best nurse in the hospital.

5.       The school cannot t_______________ cheating on exams.

6.       She _______________ (认为,算作) herself as one of the lucky ones.

7.       I decided to ____________ (集中) all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.

8.       The a_______________ age of the students in our class is seventeen.

9.       There is now no ___________ (可能) that she will make a full recovery.

10.   We found further scientific _______ (证据) for this theory.

11.   He l______________ his dream by working hard.

12.   She thought I was talking about her daughter, but ___________ (事实上) I was talking about mine.

13.   Your suggestions are not in ______________ (和谐) with the aims of this project.

14.   Police were called in to ____________ (维持) order.

二 短语默写(14分)

1.充分利用___________________        2.回忆,回顾_____________________

3.依靠;取决于 _________________     4.禁止某人做某事__________________________

5.听从某人的建议________________________ 6.从长远角度看________________________

7.节食 ____________________            8.受某人的欢迎___________________________

9.以失败告终__________________________   10.出现,露面___________________

11.负责,掌管 ________________________   12.是…的家园_____________________

13.载入史册 ________________________     14.导致______________________

三 句型转换(20分)

1. If possible, I will visit   Harbin   in the coming winter holiday.

→If _______ ______ possible, I will visit   Harbin   in the coming winter holiday.

2. When he heard the news, he burst into tears.

→________ _______ the news, he burst into tears.

3. They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut but also learned survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built.

→Not only _______ _______ _______ all the subjects required to be an astronaut but also learned   survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built.

4. The teacher came into the classroom, followed by a group of excited students.

→The teacher came into the classroom, ________ a group of excited students _______ him.

5. Students living far away from home will be happy with our dormitories.

→Students ________ _______ far away from home will be happy with our dormitories.

6. What did you do with the money we left?

→______ did you _______ ________ the money ______ we left?

7. I don’t think the house in the town centre is worth buying.

→I don’t think the house in the town centre is worthy _______ ________ ________.

8. It is believed that aliens exist.

→Aliens are believed ________ ________.

四 单选(20分)

1.       I’m one of the boys ________ never late for school.

A.      who is

B. who am

C. who are

D. that is

2.       Is this the shirt ________ he often wears?

A.      that

B. what

C. whom

D. whose

3.       Read only such books ________ you can understand.

A.      than

B. that

C. what

D. as

4.       Is this shirt _________ he often wears?

A.      which

B. the one

C. what

D. that

5.       Mr. Zhu always communicates with others in the way ________ they don’t like.

A.     which

B. how

C. in that

D. /


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