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听力部分:  1-5 CCACB  6-10 BABCA  11-15 CBACC   16-20BABBC

阅读理解:21-24 CDCA  25-27.ACA    28—31 C D B A  32—35 CBAB      36-40 BEFDG

完型填空: 41-45 BDCAB  46-50DCABC  51-55AADCB  56-60ABDCD

语法填空:61. was started  62. Its / The   63. to celebrate    64. belongs   65. the

66. absolutely    67. whoever   68. to      69. and    70. difference

单词词组:71. symptom  72. tobacco 73. illegal  74. insurance  75. participant 76. audience 77. musician 78. complex

79. contemporary  80. imitate 81. financial  82. occasionally 83. discipline  84. accessible  85. conclusion

86. concentrate on  87. congratulate sb on sth   88. take off   89. refer to   90. take advantage of


When I was a small child my parents didn’t have many(much) money and I had a very few Christmas gifts. My cousin was ten and he had gone out singing Christmas carols and made quite a bit(of) money. Without telling anyone he went to the shop and spent almost every penny of his money in (on)a teddy bear. Then he was used th e change to buy a little necklace with a glass charming heart on them.(it) He came to my house and told my parents what (that)he had bought these things for me as Christmas gift(gifts). Twenty-five years later the teddy bear has been thrown away, but I even(still) have the little necklace in my jewelry box(to) remind me of my cousin’s kindness.


Dean Dai,

How are you doing?

I am writing to invite you to our get-together sincerely. It will be held at 8 am, on March 30th in our school gym. In the whole process of activity, you will enjoy varieties of shows representing our school’s achievement in foreign language specialty, such as singing foreign songs, presenting foreign operas and dubbing foreign films. Besides, we hope you can bring two programs, like singing or poetry reading, which can make everyone in high spirits. Last but not least, our school driver will pick you up and send you back that day. Please tell me your phone number so that he can contact you

Conveniently and timely!

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






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