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Early on e morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called Elias Howe finally fell asleep. He had been working all night on the design of a sewing machine but he had run into a very difficult problem: It seemed impossible to get the thread to run smoothly around the needle.

Though he was tired, Howe slept badly. He turned and turned. Then he had a dream. He dreamt that he had been caught by terrible savages whose king wanted to kill him and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine. When he tried to do so, Howe ran into the same problem as before. The thread kept getting caught around the needle. The king flew into the cage and ordered his soldiers to kill Howe. They came up towards him with their spears raised. But suddenly the inventor noticed something. There was a hole in the tip of each spear. The inventor awoke from the dream, realizing that he had just found the answer to the problem. Instead of trying to get the thread to run around the needle, he should make it run through a small hole in the center of the needle. This was the simple idea that finally made Howe design and build the first really practised sewing machine.

Elias Howe was not the only one in finding the answer to his problem in this way. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light, said his best ideas came into him in dreams. So did the great physicist Albert Einstein. Charlotte Bronte also drew in her dreams in writing Jane Eyre.

To know the value of dreams, you have to understand what happens when y ou are asleep. Even then, a part of your mind is still working. This unconscious(无意识的), but still active part understands your experiences and goes to work on the problems you have had during the day. It stores all sorts of information that you may have forgotten or never have really noticed. It is only when you fall asleep that this part of the brain can send messages to the part you use when you are awake. However, the unconscious part acts in a special way. It uses strange images which the conscious part may not understand at first. This is why dreams are sometimes called “secret messages to ourselves”.

28.According to the passage, Elias Howe was________.

A. the first person we know of who solved problems in his sleep

B. much more hard-working than other inventors

C. the first person to design a sewing machine that really worked

D. the only person at the time who knew the value of dreams

29The problem Howe was trying to solve was________.

A. what kind of thread to use     B. how to design a needle which would not break

C. where to put the needle       D. how to prevent the thread from getting caught  around the needle

30.Thomas Edison is spoken of because________.

A. he also tried to invent a sewing machine    B. he got some of his ideas from dreams

C. he was one of Howe’s best friends         D. he also had difficulty in falling asleep

31.Dreams are sometimes called “secret messages to ourselves” because ________.

A. strange images are used to communicate ideas B. images which have no meaning are used

C. we can never understand the real meaning    D. only specially trained people can understand them


People can be addicted to(沉溺于) different things — e.g. alcohol, drug, certain foods, or even television. People who have such an addiction are compulsive(强迫的):they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy. According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders. They feel that they must spend money. This compulsion, like most others, is impossible to explain reasonably. For compulsive spenders who buy on credit(以赊欠方式), charge accounts are even more exciting than money. In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending large amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buy.

There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting. To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don’t need just because they are cheap. They want to believe that they are helping their budgets(预算), but they are really playing an exciting game. When they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning. Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and the real reason.

It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also business people. Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business. They consider people’s needs for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, an d so on in their advertising and sales methods.

Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy(疗法)” to help individuals solve their personality problems. In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money.

32. According to the psychologists, a compulsive spender is one who spends large amounts of money ___.

A. and takes great pleasure from what he or she buys B. in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in life

C. just to meet his or her strong psychological need D. and feels he or she is cheated

33. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. People spend money for exactly the same reason that they need to buy things.

B. Business people and advertisers can use the psychology of people’s spending habits to increase sales.

C. Business people understand the psychology of compulsive buying better than scientists do.

D. Compulsive bargain hunters do not have problems with money.

34. What is the text mainly about?

A. The psychology of money-spending habits. B. The habits of compulsive spenders.

C. A special psychology of bargain hunting. D. The use of the psychology of spending habits in business.

35. From the text we may safely conclude that compulsive

spenders or compulsive bargain hunters _____.

A. are really unreasonable     B. need special treatment

C. are really beyond drugs     D. can never get any help to solve their problems with money

第二节(共5小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


Cell Phones: Hang Up or Keep Talking

Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places, it is actually considered unusual not to use one.     36      They find that the phones are more than a means of communication – having mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosions around the world in mobile phone use make some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity(负面报道)of such ideas. __ ___37____________

On the other hand, signs of change in the issues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss.      38      This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years.

39       The answer is radiation(辐射). High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about the safety continues, it appears that it’s best to use mobile phones less often.

______40       Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it’s wise not to use your mobile phone too often.

A. They will possibly affect their benefits.

B. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people.

C. What do the doctors worry about?

D. What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful?

E. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

F. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks.

G. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time.




This always began after breakfast: “Go ahead, everyone. I’ll   41   the dishes!” For the next hour Dad did the dishes, singing songs like I Had a Hat When I Came In.

I suppose it was   42   for a boy’s father to wear an apron – but I never thought much of it  43  the day that Dad broke with tradition.

“Tommy,” he said  44  . “There comes a time in every boy’s life when he must take on  45  . Starting today, I want you to do the dishes on Sunday morning so that your mother and I can work the word   46  in the paper together.”

“You want me to do the dishes?”

“  47   wrong with taking over the dishes, Son?”

I didn’t taste a bit of   48   that day. Dad seemed in a merry mood as he described an excellent game.

Everything grew quiet. My sister began to   49   the table. My brother was scraping(刮除) the last of the egg from his plate. My father  50  : “Let’s go to read the paper, Hon.”

“Aren’t you doing the dishes?” my mother asked.

“Your oldest son has  51   offered,” replied my father.

So this was   52  my life had come to. Ask me to run through a rainstorm.   53   me to ride the roller coaster – backward. These things are what I would do. But I could never do those dishes. There was nothing   54   but to refuse.

People often say there is a(n)  55  chemistry between a father and a son. Dad came back into the kitchen just as I was about to  56  out. He had loosened his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt – ready to  57  . In his right hand was the old apron.

“I want you to have this, Tommy. It will keep your clothes from getting wet. Thanks, Son.”  58  that he disappeared into the Sunday paper. I looked down at the apron. It had seen better days. I could see my dad  59  for the dishes and washing them happily. My dark angel disappeared. Soon I was singing a song about a(n)  60  . I knew the kind pf man I wanted to be – my dad.

41. A. take notice of  B. take care of  C. take apart  D. take in

42. A. obvious         B. average       C. magic       D. strange

43. A. once           B. when          C. until        D. after

44. A. cheerfully       B. angrily         C. madly       D. bitterly

45. A. plans           B. responsibilities   C. decisions     D. traditions

46. A. form          B. speech        C. lab        D. puzzle

47. A. Nothing       B. Something      C. Anything     D. Everything

48. A. breakfast       B. lunch         C. supper       D. dinner

49. A. collect        B. clear        C. move     D. set

50. A. explained      B. claimed     C. announced    D. insisted

51. A. generously     B. honestly     C. luckily     D. modestly

52. A. what        B. how       C. which      D. why

53. A. Convince     B. Inspire     C . Permit     D. Require

54. A. lost       B. done      C. left      D. kept

55. A. extra       B. special     C. sincere     D. healthy

56. A. storm      B. take      C. make     D. give

57. A. laugh      B. relax     C. eat       D. perform

58. A. On       B. For      C. To       D. With

59. A. fighting      B. searching    C. reaching     D. sending

60. A. glove       B. apron     C. towel      D. hat

第 II 卷




World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year on the first Wednesday of March. It 61

(start) by the LitWorld.org website in 2010 and has now reached 65 countries.

62        aim is to encourage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy the benefits of a book. The website ask s everyone 63           (celebrate) the day by taking a book, finding an audience, and reading out aloud. It is about taking a ction to show the world that the right to read and write 64     ____

(belong) to all people.

The website asks visitors to join in the movement to reduce 65       number of illiterate (不识字的) people in the world. It is 66           (absolute) necessary to help those who cannot read. The website says, "It's time to start by reading aloud to 67            might like it. Share a book with a child who might need it, share a story with someone who would treasure it, listen patiently 68       someone else's story as they share with you." The United Nations says, "Literacy involves a variety of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge, 69       to participate fully in society." In that way, World Read Aloud Day does help make a 70            (different).



71. 症状(n.)________________                    72. 烟草(n.)________________

73. 违法的,不合法的(adj.)______________       74. 保险(n.)________________

75. 参与者(n.)________________                 76. 听众,观众(n.) _____________

77. 音乐家(n.) _______________                 78. 复杂的(adj.)________________

79.当代的(adj.)________________                  80.模仿(v.) ________________

81.金融的,财政的(adj.)_____________            82.有时,偶尔(adv.)  ____________

83.纪律(n.) ____________                       84. 可进入的,可使用的(adj.)_______



86. 集中注意力于…_______________________ 87. 祝贺某人某事_______________________

88. 起飞,成功___________________________ 89. 提及,参考_________________________

90. 利用…的优势________________________


第一节: 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I was a small child,my parents didn’t have many money and I had a very few Christmas gifts. My cousin was ten and he had gone out singing Christmas songs and made quite a bit money. Without telling anyone he went to the shop and spent almost every penny of his money in a teddy bear. Then he was used the change to buy a little necklace with a glass charming heart on them. He came to my house and told my parents what he had bought these things for me as Christmas gift. Twenty-five years later the teddy bear has been thrown away, but I even have the little necklace in my jewelry box remind me of my cousin’s kindness.

第二节: 书面表达 (20分)



1. 时间:3月30日上午8点开始;

2. 地点: 本校体育馆。

3. 请他为本次联欢会带来两个精彩的节目。

4. 本校司机开车接送。



2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语和结束语已经给出,不计入总词数;

4. 参考词汇:dub 配音; specialty 特色

Dean Dai,

How are you doing?


Best wishes!

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua


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