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英语是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高一英语寒假作业试题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。










1. What did the woman do at weekend?

A. She visited the City Museum.   B. She went to see her uncle.    C. She gave a hand to her uncle.

2. How much will the blouse cost the man?

A. 10 dollars.     B. 40 dollars       C. 45 dollars.

3. What did Alice buy for his father?

A. A camera.      B. A computer.      C. A smart phone.

4. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a restaurant.    B. In a store.       C. In a fitness center.

5. What will the speakers do next?

A. Attend a meeting.     B. See a friend.       C. Hold a party.




6. What are the speakers going to do?

A. To catch a bus.      B. To listen to a concert.      C. To attend a meeting.

7. How is the woman’s helmet(头盔)?

A. It lacks a bit of comfort.    B. It is a little large.       C. It is a round helmet.


8. What’s the man doing now?

A. Learning to speak Swahili.         B. Researching different African languages.

C. Making preparations for the coming test.

9. Where may the man come from?

A. America.       B. Australia.       C. Africa.


10. When does the conversation take place?

A. On Monday.       B. On Tuesday.      C. On Wednesday.

11. What will Randy Horn do on Wednesday?

A. See a doctor.       B. Stay at home.      C. Attend a meeting.

12. When will Randy Horn see Dr. Ruth?

A. At 9:30 am..       B. At 10:30 am..      C. At 11:30 am..


13. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.  Interviewer and interviewee.   B. Fellow workers.     C. Teacher and student.

14. Which of the following is the woman’s major(专业)?

A. English.       B. Biology.       C. Economics.

15. What is the woman’s greatest strength?

A. Taking challenges.     B. Dealing with people.    C. Learning fast.

16. What does the man think of the woman’s weakness?

A. It is fatal(致命的).      B. It doesn’t matter.      C. It is strange.


17. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A. Wonderful tips for a tour in Hawaii.        B. The weather of the Hawaii islands.

C. The striking local features of Hawaii.

18. When does Hawaii see the most visitors?

A. In summer.      B. In winter.      C. In autumn.

19. How about the weather of fall in Hawaii?

A. Sunny.        B. Wet.       C. Cool.

20. What are the average ocean temperatures in autumn?

A. Around 13.6℃.     B. Around 16.6℃.     C. Around 26.6℃.




My folks bought their first house in the early 1940s after Dad got a better job in Marquette, Michigan. We lived just inside the city limits in what was still a rural area.

In the spring of 1948, when I was 6 years old, my parents bought a calf(小牛) to replace our cow, which had been killed the year before. So one day we drove to a local farm and returned with a white and brown calf we named Tubby.

We didn’t own a truck, so Tubby rode home in the backseat of Dad’s car with my 9-year-old brother, Steve, and me. As you can imagine, the trip was a lot of fun for us kids.

Later that summer, Mom thought it would be cute to take a picture of me sitting on Tubby’s back. All went well until the snap of the camera shutter sent Tubby charging off on a run, with me holding on for dear life.

I lasted for about 30 feet before I hit the ground. Mom was quick enough to shoot a follow-up picture, so we had photos of me both on and off Tubby!

When summer had passed, the day arrived for poor Tubby to fill our freezer. I must have been somewhere else with my Mom on the fateful day, because I have no memory of how it happened. All I knew was that the barn was empty, and that we had plenty of meat for dinners.

I hadn’t lived on a farm like my mother, so I didn’t understand that what happened to Tubby was not unusual. Liv estock aren’t meant to be pets, and most farm kids know and accept that truth.

Whenever we had beef for dinner, I would tearfully, “Is this Tubby?” This went on for a couple of weeks until Dad had finally had enough and declared, “No more cows!” That made me feel a little better about poor Tubby.

21.The writer’s parents bought Tubby so that ____.

A. they would have more cows in the future      B. It would provide their children with milk.

C. the family would have enough meat to eat     D. they would no longer feel lonely on the farm.

22. Which word can be used to describe the author’s mom?

A. Serious.     B. Strong-willed.    C. Careless     D. Quick-minded.

23. We learn from the passage that _____.

A. Steve was not so fond of Tubby as his younger brother.

B. the author had much trouble with Tubby in the summer.

C. the author’s mom thought it natural to kill a cow for meat.

D. the author was pleased to see their freezer filled with beef.

24. We can most probably read the text above in a website on ____.

A. pets     B. education     C. diet      D. animals


An information evening will be held to help advise Canterbury families, parents and caregivers on how to support teenagers who are feeling down, depressed or stressed.

At the event youth health experts will give an introduction of the choices available to parents and caregivers to support the mental health of their teens. They will also introduce and show SPARX---a world-first online e-therapy(电子治疗) tool launched in April as part of the Prime Minister’s Youth Mental Health Project. SPARX combines computer gaming technology with therapy strategies to help teenagers learn skills to deal with feelings of depression and anxiety. SPARX was designed and tested by the University of Auckland especially for young New Zealanders and was found to be as effective as other treatment equipment.

The free family information evening will take place on Wednesday, 9 July 2014 in the Oaks Room art the Christchurch Netball Centre, 455 Hagley Avenue, from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Speaking at the event are:

---Dr Theresa (Terry) Fleming, co-creator of SPARX and senior lecturer at the University of Auckland; and---Dr Sue Bagshaw, director of the Collaborative Trust for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development.

Drs Fleming and Bagshaw will also shared how SPARX has helped reduce waiting lists at youth health service providers in the region.

No registration is needed. Entry to the event is free and open to parents, families, caregivers and anyone working with young people. We would appreciate your help in sharing details about this information evening with parents, teachers, nurses and anyone else in your school’s community who might benefit from  learning more about supporting teens with their mental health.

25.The writer wrote the passage to ______________.

A. tell people to attend the information evening     B. teach people how to support the health of teens

C. Send people lists at youth health service providers D. help teenagers to learn skills to deal with feelingsx k b 1

26.If you want to take part in the evening, you _________.

A. should visit www.sparx.org.nz              B. must watch a short video

C. needn’t to register earli er                  D. can’t send any emails

27. What did the writer want people to do?

A. Spread the information.                 B. Donate much money.

C. Buy much equipment.                   D. Participate in the research.


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