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1.The p____station gives light to the whole city.

2. People should make wise use of all the v______resources.

3. The earth is a p______circling around the sun.

4. I did not s______in making myself understood by you.

5.Many cultural relics have been r_________

6.He is always ready to help others. He has made a good i________

7.We call floods and earthquakes natural d_________

8.Our company has bought some modern pieces of e____________

9.They have trouble in u___________each other because they speak different languages.

10.He is brave enough to live alone in the d______house.


1.Children played in the woods and birds___________(hear) singing beautifully.

2. That cultural square in Beijing_________(build) several years ago.

3.Though_______(raise) in a small town, he has an air of dignity.

4.Can I help you, sir?Yes, I bought the radio here yesterday, but it________(not work)

5.I’ve just arrived by train. I________(come) to see you.

6.I don’t like to sit beside him, for he______always_______(ask) me silly questions.

7.Don’t go and bother him. He __________(write) in the room.


1.______we know, smoking is harmful to our health.

2. The sun heats the earth,________is important to us.

3. Is this the museum___________they visited yesterday?

4. Is this the museum________they stayed yesterday?

5.It was the museum_______you saw many treasures.

6. He arrived in Beijing in 1984,_______he became a manager some years later.

7. He arrived in Beijing in 1984,_______he was already in his fifties.

8. He arrived in Beijing in 1984,_______which was important.

9.This is the village _______ she was born in.

10. This is the village_______she was born.

11. I don’t know the reason_______many children like Xiaoyanzi so much.

12. I will never forget the day________ I first met you at the airport.


1 I like the second football match _______ was held last week.

A. which       B. who       C. that         D. /

2.They were interested_______you told them

A. in which            B. in that           C. all that            D. in everything

3.I have many books, some of__________ are on chemistry.

A. them        B. that           C. which        D. those

4. Who can think of a situation___________ this idiom can be used?

A. which           B. that          C. where          D. in that

5.There is only one thing________ I can do.

A. what            B. that            C. all       D. which

6.I don‘t like________you speak to her.

A. the way           B. the way in that           C the way which           D. the way of which

7. He has two sons,_________ work as chemists

A. two of whom         B both of whom        C both of which     D. all of whom

8.Is that the reason________ you are in favour of the proposal?

A. which        B what             C. why          D. for that

9.Is it in that factory ________ ”Red Flag” cars are produced?

A. in which            B. where           C. which           D. that

10. May the fourth is the day _________ we Chinese people will never forget.

A. which           B. when            C. on which          D. about which

11.It‘s the third time________ late this month.

A. that you arrived           B. when you arrived           C. that you‘ve arrived        D when you‘ve arrived

12.The train _________ she was travelling was late.

A. which          B. where           C, on which         D. in that

13. Those _______ not only from books but also through practice will succeed

A learn            B. who               C that learns          D. who learn


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