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第二卷(非选择题  满分35分)

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Interviewing is a skill that can be learned and the key lies in the “three-Ps” of planning, practice and preparation. Here are some tips on making a successful interview.

Prepare as well as you possibly can, search the web and research the background of the company and the people who you think are going to be interviewing you. Learn exactly what it is they do and exactly how you would fit in with the company. Most important try to understand the “culture” of the company. You need to communicate in a way that mirrors their company standards; this will show you can fit in that organization. Understand a little of what their competitors are doing. This will show you’ve bothered to find out where their position in the market is.

Just as important is your own personal preparation. Think about the key things you want to communicate and why you would be ideal for the job. Think about you can sound enthusiastic, without sounding desperate; now you can sell yourself. If they ask you a question, such as “tell me about your CV”, and you can’t do it fluently, you will find the interviewers will lose interest and you won’t get the job.

During the interview, be a very good listener and if you can find some common ground with your interviewers, you will have a big advantage over your competitors. The interview is basically an interaction between two people, so how you come across as a person is of upmost importance. As soon as you enter the company building, make sure everyone you meet is left with the impression that you are a pleasant person. Sometimes an interview question might seem very simple but, don’t be deceived, there is always a reason for them asking that question.

Generally wear a suit and tie, but it does depend on the job you are going for. You should have discovered ,when you studied the company culture, what is expected. For media companies, for example, being smart but casual might be the style they want. They are looking for someone who is comfortable with himself or herself. In this case you should dress for who you are.

It is natural if you are nervous, in fact it is a good sign; it shows you are taking the interview seriously. However try to avoid nervous mannerisms, such as tapping your foot or playing with your hair. Positive body language is important, so adopt a good posture. If you slouch in your

chair the interviewer will think you could be sloppy in your work as well. Positivity is essential in all aspects of your interview.

76.What is the main idea of the passage?   (no more than 8 words)


77.Give the subtitle for the third paragraph. (no more than 6 words)


78.What makes you have a big advantage over your competitors? (no more than 20 words)



79.If you want to apply for a media company, you should wear __________________________

_________________________________.(no more than 7 words)

80.“it” in the paragraph 6 refers to ___________________________. (no more than 5 words)


在日常生活中,人们对于体育锻炼所持的观点各不相同,请你以“Health means wealth”为题写一篇不少于120词的短文,号召人们坚持健康积极的生活方式:每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子。


答案:21-25CDADB  26-30ABBDC  31-35CACDC

36-40BCADA  41-45BCDAC  46-50DBACD  51-55ACABD

56-60 ADCCB  61-65 ADCBD  66-70 BCADC  71-75 CDACD

76.Tips on making a successful interview

77.Make Full Self-preparation

78.To be a good listener and find some common ground with your interviewers

79.smartly and casually/ in a smart and casual style

80.you are nervous


Health means wealth

People hold the belief that if they are healthy, they will have everything.Some of the young and middle-aged spend their holidays playing cards on online games, believing that they are healthy and there is no need for them to do sports.Some of them even continue to make more money, which means everything to them.

As far as I am concerned, I don’t think what some of the people do in their spare time is right.Games and money cannot bring us real happiness and wealth.Health is the most important thing for us and it can help us to do something that we want to do.We should all remember: exercise one hour a day, healthy work in fifty years, a happy life for life.


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