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How hard we have all prayed(祈祷) to grow up quickly, and looked forward to the happy days of being a grown-up and enjoying the many interests that a youth should have.?

At last, you have grown up. At least you are no longer a child. They call you “young lady”. You then enjoy the pleasure of being a young lady. You are proud of being a grown-up teenager. People welcome you-this young lady-heartily. You are glad that your prayer has been answered.?

But there is always something that troubles you a lot. You say; “Papa and Mama, give me some money please. My pocket money is all gone already.”?

“No”, they say, “your age is a dangerous age. If you have too much money to spend, it won’t do you any good.” Then you have to stay at home because you dare not go out with an empty pocket.?

Another time you tell your grandma, “Grandma, see, I am a grown-up now.”?

“Good, now, you can sit here and knit (编织) this for me while I go and have a rest.” To show that you are no more a child, you have to sit there the whole afternoon doing the work, which only a grown-up can do. After an hour, you find it hard to do, and give the knitting basket back to your grandma. Your grandma criticizes your work. You hear what she says, “Such a big girl can’t do such easy work.” You wish then you were a child again.?

But the fact is, you are growing up, and you can’t help it. That’s the way it goes!

66.The passage is told about _______ problems.

A. a growing-up boy’s    B. a teenage girl’s  C. an old woman’s     D. a grown-up’s

67.It is clear that the writer, as a teenager, ________.

A. is pleased with the present life

B. is unhappy about growing up

C. doesn’t think her, present life happy enough

D. knows happy life will come to her soon

68.How does she know her prayer has been answered?

A. People treat her as a young lady.    B. She is no longer a kid.

C. People begin to call her teenager.   D. She can join women in all kinds of activities.

69.From what her parents say, we know _________.

A. they don’t believe she is already a teenager

B. it’s dangerous for a girl to spend money

C. they love her more than before

D. they still regard her as a child

70.Having heard her grandma’s criticism, _________.

A. she has to lie in bed, doing nothing

B. she knows she has already worked the whole afternoon

C. she wishes she were not growing up

D. she finds it isn’t her turn to do knitting


All young people dream of travelling the world. They are restless and very eager to see new sights. However, they have little idea how they would really do it if given the chance. Because their knowledge of geography is quite limited, they seldom know much about the places they wish to visit or how they would get there.?

Already hundreds of thousands of Chinese student tourists are visiting these places-Wuyi, Lhasa, Lijiang, Dali, Vientiane and Phnom Penh. Indeed, these students will soon be the most travelled generation in China’s long history. The World Tourist Organization predicts that a quarter of a century from now the number of Chinese tourists going abroad will be twenty times what it is today. The largest percentage of these tourists will visit Southeast Asia. Not all Chinese who travel abroad will be tourists, however. More and more youths are deciding to volunteer their skills in this region; much like their peers in th-e Peace Corps and VSO.?

Critical thinking skills required include planning for a trip and solving problems after the trip has begun. The focus is on how to read an atlas (地图集) to make travel plans and how to find ways of travelling. An atlas offers a wealth of information about geography and is one way to increase students’ awareness of their global environment. Use of an atlas especially addresses the needs of students with different visual and spatial (空间的) learning styles.

71.The main idea of the first paragraph is ________.

A. all young people wish to travel around the world

B. all young people like to learn the knowledge of geography

C. all young people like travelling but their knowledge of geography is quite          limited

D. all young people are aware of the places they are going

72. These places, Wuyi, Lhasa, Lijiang, Dali, Vientiane and Phnom Penh, lie in ________.

A. China         B. Europe         C. Vietnam         D. Asia

73.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The number of Chinese tourists going abroad will be twenty times what it is      today in about 25 years.

B. The number of Chinese tourists going abroad will be twenty times what it is       today in about 10 years.

C. Southeast Asia will become the most popular visiting place in the world.

D. Young people will be addicted to Internet travelling.

74.One way to increase students’ awareness of their global environment is for them to ________.

A. watch TV            B. listen to radio news   C. read an atlas           D. plan a trip

75.The underlined phrase “a wealth of” can be replaced by “_________”.

A. a number of           B. a great many  C. a great many of        D. a great deal of


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