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46.A.repairmen             B.businessmen          C.drivers                  D.cyclists

47.A.busy                     B.content                  C.careful                  D.bored

48.A.waving                B.looking                C.laughing                D.pointing

49.A.about                   B.for                      C.with                      D.like

50.A.worry                  B.respect                 C.sympathy              D.pride

51.A.cleaning               B.fixing                  C.replacing               D.covering

52.A.still                      B.yet                      C.again                    D.soon

53.A.lesson                   B.subject                  C.skill                       D.fact

54.A.business               B.living                   C.success                  D.right

55.A.tired                    B.doubtful               C.fearful                  D.ashamed




My wife and I used to feel that it was impossible to be a true friend to someone whose name we didn’t know. How wrong we were! Years of Sunday-morning bus trips through the city with the same group of “nameless” people have changed our thinking. Before the bus takes off, we all join in a conversation: where’s the silent woman who sits up front and never responds to our cheery greetings? Here she comes. Her worn clothing suggests she doesn’t have much money to spare, but she always takes an extra cup of coffee for the driver.?

We get smiles from a Mexican couple as they get on the bus hand in hand. When they get off, they’re still holding hands. The woman was pregnant late last year, and one day her change of shape confirmed that she’d delivered the child. We even felt a little pride at the thought of our extended family.?

For many months, our only sadness lay in our inability to establish the same friendship with the silent woman at the front of the bus. Then, one evening, we went to a fish restaurant. We were shown to a table alongside someone sitting alone. It was the woman from the bus.?

We greeted her with friendly familiarity we’d shown all year, but this time her face softened, then a shy smile. When she spoke, the words escaped awkwardly from her lips. All at once we realized why she hadn’t spoken to us before. Talking was hard for her.?

Over dinner; we learned the stay of a single mother with a disabled son who was receiving special care away from home. She missed him desperately, she explained.?

“I love him… and he loves me, even though he doesn’t express it very well,” she murmured. “Lots of us have that problem, don’t we? We don’t say what we want to say, what we should be saying. And that’s not good enough.” The candles flared on our tables. Our fish had never tasted better. But the atmosphere grew pleasant, and when we parted as friends—we shared names.

56.Which of the following might be the best title of this passage?

A. Friends of the Road                 B. The Silent Woman on the Bus

C. Going to Work by Bus              D. Different Kinds of Friendship

57.All the following statements can describe the woman except ______.

A. poor         B. warm -hearted          C. silent         D. cold

58.The underlined word “establish” in the third paragraph probably has the same      meaning as

A. keep         B. discover        C. set up         D. accept

59. Why did the woman usually keep silence while taking the bus?

A. She was worried about her disabled son.

B. She was sad to see the happy Mexican couple us a single mother.

C. She had difficulty in expressing herself.

D. She was only interested in the bus driver.

60. The woman had the same problem with her son in the way that ______.

A. they both disabled people      B. they both had some difficulty in expressing

C. they both liked bus travel      D. they both brought interest to the passengers


Fluency(流利) in another language is one of the most important aims of a newcomer to another country. In addition, understanding the culture and learning to communicate comfortably with people of that culture are as important as learning the rules of the language. Language learning and culture learning go together and may take a long time.?

Sometimes people feel that they understand a culture after a few weeks or months. People do learn a lot when they first begin living in another culture, but this is only the first stage of learning. It usually involves(含包) things like learning everyday activities and some basic customs.?

To really understand another culture, people have to go beyond the first stage, This is challenge because it is often difficult to know what to learn. Much of what we call “culture” is hard to see.?

Culture is like an iceberg. Picture in your mind a huge iceberg in the ocean. The only part of the iceberg that you see is the tip. You don’t see the rest of the iceberg because it is hidden from sight in the water. It is easy to forget that it is there. Most of the iceberg is deep within the ocean, just as much of a culture is deep within its people.?

When you meet someone from another culture, certain culture differences are obvious: You hear another language or you hear your own language spoken with an accent. You see different foods, clothes and sometimes physical characteristics of people. You observe new customs or habits, such as the use of chopsticks, and, bowing or kissing on both cheeks as a greeting. These differences are interesting and important, but they are usually not too difficult to understand. They are visible so they are seen easily and quickly.?

The part of culture that is like the underwater part of the iceberg consists of assumptions(设想), communication styles, values, and beliefs about what is right and wrong. The hidden part of culture affects much of a person’s way of thinking and communicating. It is the meaning behind his or her verbal (言语的) and nonverbal language. Learning to communicate well with people from another culture involves becoming aware of the hidden part of culture.

61.What’s the subject of this passage?

A. Learning about culture.             B. Language learning.

C. The hidden part of the iceberg.    D. Fluency in another language.

62.What is learning about culture?

A. Learning the hidden part of the iceberg, which is underwater.

B. Learning everyday activities and some basic customs.

C. Learning the culture of an iceberg.

D. Learning the visible as well as the hidden differences of culture.

63.What’s the writer’s opinion?

A. Communication styles can be easily seen and learned.

B. Language learning is more important than culture learning.

C. Learning about culture is not easy and may take a long time.

D. People usually learn a culture after a few weeks or months.

64.The underlined phrase “consists of” can be replaced by “______”.

A. lies in         B. is made up of         C. agrees with         D. is different from

65.What conclusion can we draw after reading this passage?

A. Values and beliefs are like the tip of the iceberg.

B. People often become aware of the hidden part of culture.

C. The tip of the iceberg is larger than the hidden part.

D. The hidden part of culture has a great effect on people’s communication styles.


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