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高一英语寒假作业 一(回归课本 夯实基础)


1 With the d____________ of society, computers are becoming more and more important.

2 Tom e__________ extra money by selling newspaper.

3 In china, young children are usually taught to r________ the old.

4 He went back to London without having a_________ any success.

5 It was really a c__________ task to Jim, but he finished it perfectly.

6 Zhu Rongji is our ___________(以前的)primer minister(总理).

7 Beijing is making ____________(准备)for the 2008 Olympics.[

8 Travelling is a good way to experience different c_________ in different places.

9 Allow me to ___________(介绍)my friend Mr. Smith to everybody.

10 A famous ____________(教授) will give us a lecture.


1、Douglas 把暑假里的大部分时间都用来上网了。

Douglas ________ _________ ________  _________the Internet during the summer holiday.


I _______ ________ _________ ________ ________ by bike.But now I _________ _______ __________ _________to school.


Is this the best _______ you thought of _______  ________ the problem?


_______ ________ ________ ________ change his mind once Dick has made his decision.


You can ________ _________ __________ _________ __________.


Paul _________ _________ _________ another basketball game.


Free medical care ________ __________ _________ everybody in their country.


I have ________ ________ _________ a lot of restaurant dos and don’ts.


Talk to him more;You will find that Robin isn’t _____ ________ ______ _______ ______ he is.


As is known to all,__________ ________ _________ you pay ________ spelling,_______ ________mistakes you will make.


Professor Wang is going to _______ ________ ________at the ______ ______of our school.


_________ _________back from Paris,Bob was asked about his tour.


Without question,the mayor should ________ _______ _______ the unemployment and the ecomonic problem.


The Internet plays an important role when we have to _______ __________ _________using the new technology to help us develop our professional skills and personal abilities.


Jane should _______ Lucy _________ her friendly advice.


If Susan continues doing exercise,she will be able to _________ ________ ________ ______

losing 5 kilos before the summer.


When you visit an unfamiliar country,you should first of all _______ ________ ______ the etiquette there.


In some countries,there is a growing tendency for people to work at home ________ _ ______ in offices.


___________ ___________ other people’s problems,my own ones seem too small.


_________ _______ _______ _______ the letter,I guessed that he was gloomy.


1) _________ ___________ his studies, he began traveling in China.[

2) ________ _________ ________ _______ _______ his studies, he began traveling in China.

3) __________ ___________ __________ his studies, he began traveling in China.

4) Hardly ______ ________ _________ his studies _______he began traveling in China.

5) _________ _________ __________ _________ ___________ his studies than he began traveling in China.

高一英语寒假作业 二(回归课本 夯实基础)


1. Students don’t have to go to school during v____________.

2. What a m_____ the room is! Everything is in disorder.

3. He is the director of the factory, so he is the person who is in c________ of everything here.

4. Anyone who breaks the window will be p_______.

5. The teacher gave a clear e_______ on use of the word.

6. Tom, don’t’ be so __________(自私). You should  learn to share.

7. We’re quite surprised at that man’s strange_________(举止).

8. “_________”(青少年) usually refer to the boys and girls between 13 and 19.

9. He is always __________(心烦的,苦恼的) about his own health.

10. I ___________(真诚地) hope that you’ll do with us.

11.We make sure that we take good care of students on c_________.

12.He left home without e__________, never to be found again.

13.The department was badly organized until she took c____________ of it.[

14.A good marriage is based on t___ ____, that is, Husband and Wife should believe in each other.

15.S________ of students attended the school meeting held on the first  day of this term, listening to the headmaster talking about our school rules.

16.I don’t think we should leave those who break the rules go u___________, should we?

17.We agreed without much further a___________ with each other about our son’s education.

18.The old man died of anger because his d_____________ son failed again and again in tests.

19.This is really a t__________ story, from which we can learn a lot..

20. Before the college entrance exam, the students work like c__________.

二、 完成句子 .

1 安德森的父母不想让他出国,我一点也不惊讶。

It doesn’t _____ ________ ________Anderson’s parents don’t want him to go abroad .


Although they tried their best ,the experiment still _____a lot of questions _______.


A serious crime like robbery mustn’t ______  ________


Since Julia has gratuated from school ,she is _____a student of that school ____  _____.

5 既然费罗拉已经长大了,她就不应该任性了。

____ ______Flora has grown up ,she should not be wilfil .

6 会议完全没有得出任何结论,它简直是浪费时间。

That meeting achieved absolutely nothing .It was really____ ______  _______

7 露西送那个孩子回家,真是太好了。

_____ ______very _____ ______Lucy ____drive the child home.

8 一旦阿瑟开始一个装潢工作,直到完成他才会停下来。

Once Arthur starts a decorating job he _____  _____ ______it’s finished .

9 在作出决定以前,我们最好弄清楚每件事情。

We’d better make everything clear before we____  _____  ______

10 奥利菲最近很忙,所以他没有时间写博客。

Oliver was busy recently ,so he ______  ______ ______ _____write on the blog.

11 老师建议Sherry参加英语演讲比赛。

The teacher _______Sherry ______  ______  ________the English speech contest .


Having a good teacher has ____  _____  ______  _______to Elizabeth.

13 我让我哥哥买一个钱包给我作为生日礼物。

I asked my brother to ____  ____  _____  _____as a birthday gift .


______ you ____ ______me will have a great effect on my decision .


As soon as I saw this picture , I_______  ________the wonderful moments we had spent

16 .Nancy将要去罗马度假,她最好的朋友在那儿工作。

Nancy will spend her holiday in Rome ,_____ ______ _____ _______ ________.

17 每一次当我有麻烦时,第一个来帮我的人总是我的母亲。

______ _______I am in trouble ,the first person that comes to my help is always my mother.


I _______ _________Michael ______ ______too much time playing computer games .

19 Arthur为自己没有放弃那个计划而骄傲。

Arther ____ ____ ____himself for not giving up the project.


He was ___ _______ _____the shop while the manager was away .


They ______ ____ _____be here an hour ago ,but in fact they didn’t.

22 别怪他打碎窗户,他毕竟是小孩子嘛。

Don’t blame him for breaking the window ; _____ ______he is a child.

高一英语寒假作业 三(回归课本 夯实基础)


1.Do you believe in u_____________ things such as UFOs, Yetis and monsters?

2.A fifteen-year-old boy went missing 2 days ago and the police have stepped up their s_____ for him.

3.The game was put off d_______ to the rain.

4.An old man said he was a w_____________ to the accident.

5.All the people invited to the party s__________ up.

6.There is no p________________ that he will win the match.

7.They are carrying out some r___________ into/on the causes of cancer.

8.The whole experience was _________; I even get ______when I hear a plane fly over. (frighten)

9.The story he m_________ up wasn’t interesting at all.

10.Would you please choose the right statements a______________ to the passage?

11.Don’t be ______________(失望) at your marks. You have made p____________.

12.The two boys are ____________ (相似) to each other in height.

13.Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard _______ (证据) supporting the ______ (存在) of Yeti.

14.On a_____________, these footprints are 14 to 18 inches long.

15.I am c___________ (确信) of his innocence.



He walked through the desert ________ ______ ________ the lost camel.


He arrived late again _________ _________ the unexpected storm.


Her smile ________ ________ ________ she was happy again


We ________ ________ ________ that our team had lost the game.


My teacher ________ ________ ________ ________ his students’ life.


The hot weather caused the milk ______ _______ ________ quickly.


This long sentence should _________ __________  ____________ again.


Why do many students ________ ________ _________ ________a part-time or summer job?


What may have __________ ________ the lock?The key doesn’t turn.


I’ve understood ________ ________ ________ Tom was absent.

11、据说Mr Robinson将会成为这所大学的下一任校长。

Mr Robinson ________ _______ _______ ________ the next president of this university.


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