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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高三英语第三册Unit2词汇解析,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

evaluate             vt. to examine and judge carefully; appraise; to ascertain or fix the value or worth of  评价;估计

The research project has only been under way for three months, so it's too early to evaluate its success.  这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。

various              adj. of different kinds各种各样的;不同种类的

There are various ways of cooking rice.  做米饭有各种不同的方法。

in the name of   acting for  以…的名义;代表…

We're very glad to greet you in the name of the Chinese people.


key                  adj. of crucial importance; significant 关键的;极重要的

key decisions 意义重大的结论   the key element of the thesis 论文的中心成分

origin               n. beginning; start of anything  起源;来源

What was the origin of Man?   人类的起源是什么?

n. parentage, birth, or ancestors  出身;来历

He is a researcher of working class origin.  他是工人出身的研究员。

equip                vt. put in a place, or give someone, all the tools, instruments, etc. that are needed  装备;配备

Our factory is equipped with modern machines.  我厂是用现代化机械装备的。

endeavor             n.  an earnest attempt   努力;尽力

We make every endeavor to satisfy our customers.   我们尽全力使顾客满意。

v. to attempt by employment of effort  努力;尽力

We must always endeavour to improve our work. 我们总要努力改进自己的工作。

puzzle               n. problem; something that is difficult to understand; game where you must find an answer  难题;谜

It is a puzzle to me how he could come here.   我不知他是怎么到这里来的。

vt. make you think a lot because you do not understand it  使困惑;使糊涂

I am puzzled by the difficult question.  我被难题难住了。

wealthy             adj. having much wealth富有的;富裕的

Wealthy men are not always happy.   有钱人未必总是幸福的。

Asian               adj. native of Asia  亚洲(人)的

What's the difference between the Asian elephants and African elephants?


n. a native or inhabitant of Asia  亚洲人

in exchange for  in the place of something that you have given to someone 交换;互换

I'll give you three sweets in exchange for an apple.   我拿三块糖换你一个苹果。

spice               n. things like ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, etc. that are put into food  香料;调味品(如姜、胡椒等)

Pepper is a spice.   胡椒是一种调味品。

Arab                n. a native of Arabia 阿拉伯人

adj. of the Arabs or Arabia; Arabian 阿拉伯(人)的

westernmost         adj. 最西 (端) 的

African             n. a native or inhabitant of Africa 非洲人

adj. of or relating to Africa or its peoples, languages, or cultures 非洲(人)的

ambassador          n. a diplomatic official appointed a as representative by one government to another 大使;使节

He was appointed ambassador to Japan. 他奉派为驻日大使。

Roman               adj. of or relating to ancient or modern Rome or its people or culture


n. a native, inhabitant, or citizen of ancient or mod

ern Rome  罗马人

empire              n. a group of countries under one ruler, usually an emperor 帝国

the Roman Empire 罗马帝国

rhinoceros          n. 犀牛

horn                n. a hard, pointed thing which grows on the head of some animals(羊、牛、鹿等动物的)角

Horns are usually in pairs, one on each side of the head.


n. an instrument for making loud warning noises  喇叭

The taxi driver blew his horn to tell us that he had arrived.


wander              vi. to go from place to place with no special purpose  漫游;闲逛

The boys wandered around the town with nothing to do.


motherland          n. one's native land  祖国

awareness           n.[u] 觉察;意识;知道

awareness of one's ignorance  意识到自己的无知

existence           n.[u] being 存在;生存

The tree owes its existence to soil.   树木依赖泥土生存。

accurate            adj. conforming exactly to fact; errorless  准确的

deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from a standard  精确的

Is this watch accurate?  这只表准吗?

navy                n. all the warships of a country, with officers and men 海军

the army, navy and air force   陆、海、空军三军

treasure            n. store of gold, silver, jewels, money, or other valuable things  财宝;财富

They were looking for buried treasure.  他们在寻找埋在地下的财宝。

fleet               n. big groups of ships; a number of ships, airplanes, automobiles etc. moving together  舰队;船队;机群;汽车队

The Sixth Fleet of the United States Navy was ordered to the South Sea.



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