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(l)Suddenly,I caught a sight of my English teacherin the crowd.

【解析lsight是不可数名词,且catch sight of是固定搭配,意为“看见”。

(2) For e】cample, when l was a child, the rain was amystery.




Modern people know more about the health, havebetter food,and…


by bike骑自行车,by sea由海路,乘船


___ _去上学,_______坐牢,_______在吃饭


___ _打篮球,_______下棋


She is most pretty.她非常漂亮。


Child as he is,he knows a lot.虽然他只是孩子,知道的却很多。


(l)ln fact,they are planning to visit China in next yeaL

(2)We practice for three times every week..

(3)So l'm really sorry that l won't be able to come inthis time.【解析】以上三例都是作时间状语的名词短语前多了介词。

(4)…but we do not seem to get much time to talkabout together.

【解析】talk about意为“谈到……”,是及物动词短语,后须接介词宾语,但根据本句语境,此处不必接宾语,故去掉about。


(1) last night, next week, this year, one day,threetimes等名词词组直接充当时间状语,前面不用介词。


serve for the people, follow after the teacher, marrywith her,make him as our monitor,play with Tom in amatch(画线介词多余)


on one's way to there, return to home, go to upstairs(画线介词均多余)


①If you won’t go,I'll go instead of.(画线介词多余)

②She listened to but heard nothing(画线介词多余)


①l never knew about a ride down a river could be soexciting.(画线介词多余)

②I am sorry for that he won't come(画线介词多余)


(1) Whenever I see them l will often think of myEnglish teacher.

【解析】在whenever l see them这一时间状语从句后再用often显得重复,应去掉。

(2) 1'11 spend all the whole weekend reading andpreparing for it.【解析】the whole weekend意为“整个周末”,再加上all,词义重叠。



return back回来,repeat again重复,flee away逃走,enter into进入,blue color蓝色,stop down停下来,raiseup举起来,unpack open打开


I do remember you having apologized to the old lady Imet her last week


As a result, people in the modern world generally livemuch more longer than people in the past.


(l)Today l visited the Smiths-my first time visit toan American family.


(2)Now I can't watch much television,but…【解析】根据上下文,此处应是“我根本不能看电视”,因此受汉语影响,多了much,造成冗言。



①Though he tried his best, but he failed.

②The more he has, and the more he wants.


①In the last five years that they have climbed churches一②…in other places where you are limited to a certainnumber...


Sitting down,and he began to work.


She was absent from the meeting because that she was ilL(5)复合宾语前多一个that。

I found that her lying on the ground.


(1)I was used to watch it every night.

【解析】此处属于used to do与be used to两个固定搭配的误用,应去掉was,取“过去常常”之意。

(2)…in any other words,Iam only a child.

【解析lin other words为固定搭配,意为“换句话说”,而any other意为“任何别的……”,与本文上下文不符。

6.行文逻辑上多词First, let me tell you something more about myself.




(1) Each player must obey^captain, who is theleader of the team.the【解析】此处应加上the,特指“球队的队长”。

(2) The day before the speech contest^Englishteacher talked to me.my【解析】根据上下文分析,此处English teacher是有所指的,指的是“我的”英语老师,故加上my,表达一个更确切的概念。

(3)I'1I take this chance to wish you^ wonderful timeon your birthday. a【解析lwish sb.awonderful time为固定搭配,意为“祝某人玩得愉快”。



This is so good a book that we will buy it.

=This is such a good book that we will buy it.


如a little water,但是“每隔几分钟”应说成every fewminutesa

(3)有些不可数名词(如metal, beauty, iron, tea,coffee, ice, youth, pleasure, success, failure等),表示“一种”“一个“一份”时,应加上a或an。

Work is a pleasure to me.


The Browns like to go skating.


He is the taller of the two boys.


When we walked to the car, Bill smiled and shook^head. his2.缺动词不定式符号to(1) I'd like very much^come but I have anexamination on Monday morning. to【解析】like后面不能直接加动词,需加to,构成固定搭配“would like to do”,意为“想做……”。

(2)一.and will do all they can^ make sure that l geta good education to【解析】不定式作目的状语,不定式符号to不可省。



But then there are always more mysteriesAlook into:_____to

(2) -般说来,两个实义动词不能并列使用,中间常用to连接。

①7Ihe World Health ()rganization and other organizationsare workingAimprove health all over the world_____to

②i had always wantedA retum to the village _____to

(3) feel, hear, let, make,have, see, notice, watch,ob。。rv。等动词变成被动结构时,充当主语补足语的不定式不能省去to。

Little Tom was made to do heavy work


We wanted to go to the lecture, but we weren't able to


(l)neyA eager to Imow everything about China:.'were【解析】eager为形容词,必须加系动词构成系表结构。

( 2)What^ your favourite sport?IS【解析】本句缺谓语动词,应加is。

( 3)I'd like to^ your pen-friend, and. be/become【解析】本句考查I'd like to do结构,根据上下文,必须加上系动词。



She is afraid of her boss.


…and let you know when the book you want has^returned and is ready for you to pick up.been4.缺介词(l)We must keep in mind that we play for the teaminstead^ ourselves._____ of【解析linstead of为固定短语,意为“而非,而不是”,后接宾语。

(2)…but the others spent a lotA time arguing_____of【解析la lot of是固定习语,意为“许多,大量”,后加宾语。


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