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高中英语知识点总结:A taste of English humor知识点讲解



高中英语知识点总结:A taste of English humor知识点讲解

【摘要】考点内容有什么变化?复习需要注意什么?威廉希尔app 高中频道小编整理了高中英语知识点总结:A taste of English humor知识点讲解,希望为大家提供服务。


1. astonish vt 使惊讶(= surprise sb. greatly)

The earthquake astonished the whole country. 这次地震震惊了全国。

辨析:astonishing adj.令人震惊的;astonished adj.感到惊呀的

2. particular 非一般的,特别的,特殊的

He left for no particular reason. 他无缘无故就走了。

To Jane, her diary is a particular friend. 对简来说,日记是她的特殊朋友。

搭配:in particular =especially特别是

3. entertain vt. & vi. 使欢乐, 招待, 款待

We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。

They often entertained their friends at weekends. 他们常在周末招待朋友。

I don’t entertain very often. 我不常在家请客.

派生:entertaining adj. 使人愉快的,有趣:his entertaining silent movies他那逗乐的无声电影,an entertaining story/guess一个有趣的故事/客人。

4. throughout prep. 遍及, 贯穿adv. 到处, 始终, 全部

It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜。

I watched the film and cried throughout. 我看那个电影时从头哭到尾。

5. failure n.失败(不可数);失败的经历,失败的人或事(可数)

Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

I became successful after many failures. 在多次失败后,我终于成功了。

She was a failure as a manager. 她是一个不称职的经理。

6. overcome v. 克服,战胜(defeat);找到解决……的办法)

He has overcome the bad habit of smoking. 他改掉了吸烟的坏习惯。

After hours of hard working, they overcame the difficulty. 经过几个小时的努力,他们终于把这难题解决了。

搭配:be overcome with /by因……不能自持

He was overcome by the heat. 他热得受不了。


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