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Whenevcr you buy something,it is possible that someone has already worn,eaten,or teste.d

it to make sure it is safe and do what is supposed to do. But what if you wanted a special suit to

keep a shark from hurting you? Who wanta +o test a product like it?

"I do! " says Jeremiah Sullwan,a scientist in California  "You have to believe in what you


Sullivan. owns SharkArmor Tech,a company that makes a  $ 49400 sharksuit that even a

great white shark can- t bite through Before Sullivan could sell his sharksuits,he needed to

make sure his design would work. Sullivan put on the sharksuit and jumped into a shark feeding

ground. "I need to know exactly what a human body could expect to go through," he says.

Sharks moved ali ar.ound Hm and then attacked his arm. Sullivan felt the bite but no teeth.He  was uncomfortable at times,but not painfuL The suit works! "

"I,ve now been bitten thousands of times but.never badly," says Sullivan,who now works with shows like Wild Kingdmn, ana programs for the Disco'oery Channel s Shan~ Week.

So,are you all set to buy a sharksuit? Before you do,you should know that th. e suit weighs

20  pounds and makes swimming almost impossible-not so practical for a day on the beach. And

in fact, Sullivan wants only .professionals, such as filmmakers, scientists and drivers, to have

sharksuits. Why? Because even if someone is wearing a sharksuit,they could get seriously hurt

if they treat diving with a 4,OOO-pound shark as a game.

During sharksuit testing,sharks have thrown Sullivan to a bottom o/ reefs(磙) and tried to

take him off into the deepest part of the ocean. "However," Sullivan sa}fs,"you don't need to

be afraid of sharks. It-s actually pretty hard to get a shark to bite you, "

68. The first paragraph is written to          .

A start a discussion          B. introduce the topic of the text

C show the main points of the text                D. test readers' knowledge

69. Why did Sullivan get close to sharks?

A To see if hiS sharksLut works.                    B. To study what sharks feed on.

c. To catch a special kind of white shark.     D. To learn how to swim with sharks safely,

70. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 mean?

A Most people won't wear the sharksuit to the beach

B. People like to go to the beach with the sharksLut.

C. The sharksuit makes a perfect day on the beach

D. The sharksuit can-t be worn for a whole day.

71. We can learn from the text that the sharksuit _

A works well for swimmers                          B is light but uncomfortable

C, keeps sharks away from humans         D. is designed for special purpose


Speaking two languages can actually help offset(抵消) some effects of aging on the brain,

a new study has found,

Researchers tested how long it took participants to switch from one cogrutive(认知的) task

to another,something that-s knovrn to take longer for older adults,said lead researcher,Brian

Gold,a neuroscientist ar the Uruversif.y of Kentucky.

Gold-s team compared task-switching speeds for younger and older adults,knowing th.ey

would fjp.d slower speeds in the older population because of previous studies. However,they

fouiid that oider adults who spoke two languages were able to switch mental activities faster

cietlned in tne st,idy as peopie speaking a second iangUage aaily since they wereat ieast 10 yeats


Gold  and his team asked 30 people,either bilingual o: nionolingual(只僮一种语言 人) ,tu

have a series of tests. They found that bilingual people were not oniy able to switch tasks

faster-they had different brain acti/ty than their monolingual peers.

Kristina called bilingualism "a beautiful natural experimentY, because people grow up

speaking two languages,and studies have shown that they get certain cognitive benefjfs from

sv,tching between languages aml determirung whi:h to respond with based on what's going on

around them.

Gold said he grew up in Montreal,where he spoke Frencb. at school and Er.glish at hcme,

promptipg relatives to question v:hether his French language immersion would somehow hinder

his abiiity to learn Englisl:.

"Until wery recently9 liearning a second language in childhood was thought of as danger-

ous," he said. "Actually,it's beneficial. "

72. What-s the main idea of the passage?

A Researchers found that speaking two languages is hnportant.

B. Researchers found that bilingual people respond slowly.

C. Researchers found that bilingual peopie can slow down the speed or aging on the brain

and respond fast.

D. Researchers found that bilingual people are great.

73. Which of the followirLg is TRUE according to the passage?

A Oider bilinguals can-t respond faster in mind.

B. Older add.ts speaking a second language daily since tF,ey were at least 10 years old can

respond faster than those who don't

C. Young biiinguals can respond fast:er in mind tnan those monolinguals.

D. Bilingual children respond slower in mind than those monolinguals.

74. Kristina called bilingualism "a beautif'ul natural experimen+" because

A people grow up,benefiting from speaking two languages

B, people speaking two languages.are natural     .

C. people speaking two languages are beautiful

D. people speaking two languages like the experiment

75. We can learn from the last paragraph that learning a second language in chilclhooci  is-    .

A aangerous to children                            B. not beneficial to children

C. aapgerous but beneficial to children       D. not'dangerous but beneficial to children

第四部分   写作(共两节,满分35分)




Teen obesity means the problem of very overweight teenagers. Obesiry for a teenager

happens when his or her BMI(身体质量指数)is more than 95 percent greater as compared to

other teenagers of the same gender(性别)and age.

The term "obese" is commonly used by doctors wh. en a person's weight can badly affect

thejr health. Obesity can be caused by genetics and habits such as eating unhealthy food and∞t

getting enough exercise.

Teen obesity can lead to several health problems. Obese teens are at greater risk of develo-

ping health complication(并发症),such as type-2 diabetes(糖尿病),high blood pressure and

bigh cholesterol(胆固醇).If they remain obese into adulthood,these teens can also raise their

chances of developing heart disease.    、

In addition,there can be many psychological effects of teen obesity. Some expP-:ts believe

there is a strong link between obesity and self-identity(自我认向).If teens are treated poorly by

other teens,they may F.ave the feeling of low self-esteem(自尊),loneliness and depression

Health experts recommend several ways to control teen obesity, The most common sugges-

tions are eating balanced meals with enough fruit and vegetables in addition to getting 60

minutes of exercise daily. Eating a good breakfast can also help,according to some doctors.

Doctors suggest that teens avoid trying to go on a diet and instead learn to how to make

lifestyle changes, Some experts also recommend making the entire family take part in healthier

habits to make the obese teen feel less alonet Parents can also avoid talking about health weight

in terms of "fat' and "thin" and instead say that each person's ideal size is different


Teen obesity


Teen obesity happens when h s or her BMI'is o'

S{reater than teenagers of the same gender and age



★77. _ -            eating habits

★78.             to get enough exercise

79.    effects

★It 80. __        __ the risk of developirut heal+h cc:nplication

★Obese teens are iikely to aevelop heart disease when they

become 81.              .

★Obese teens may have low self-esreem and feel 82.          

   or depressed.


★Eat balanced meals ancl take exercise every day.           .

★Eat a good breakfast_

★Change 84.

★Make the whole fan.ily 85         '    in nealthy habits.

第二节   书面表达(满分25分)

一些父母经常翻看自己孩子的书包、日记甚至网上聊天记录(chat records),请你就这一现象谈谈自己的看法。








76.Causes / Reasons  77.unhealthy  78.Failing  79.Negative /Bad  80.raises  81.adults 82. lovely 83. advice






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