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Two workers was rescued 188 hours after they trapped in a coal mine collapse(倒塌)in the

south China-s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region The two were among 18 miners trappedafter the mine,collapsed midday on July 2 because of days of heavy rain.

A total of 71 miners were working underground when the accident occurred on July 2-49

managed to escape. Rescuers have got eight bodies so far.

Ye Fangyong,commander of the rescue headquarters,said that the place where the survi-

vors were found was at 320 meters underground. It was filled with mud after the collapse,but

there was still room for fresh air. He said three more miners trapped at a work platform390

meters underground may survive because the place also have some space for fresh air.

Rescuers had believed that four other miners would found with the rescued two, but the

chances of the remaining 12 being found alive are not good due to the conditions in the mine.

However,the rescuers have not given up. They are using scientific measures such as a

water-proof radar device(裟置)to help find the exact locations of trapped workers* Moreover,

rescuers have been offered 2 million yuan for each miner they pull out alive.

The two survivors have been identified a) 41-yea卜old Liu Jiagan and 35-year-old Qin

Hongdang. They are in safe condition.

Before they were rushed to Heshan People's Hospital for treatment,they told rescuers in

weak voices that they survjved un.der the mine by drinking spring water that seeped(渗漏)

through the top of the shaft(矿井).

56. The local mine coal accident was probably reported on           .

AJuly8      B,Julylo     C.July2      D.July3

57. What caused the coal mine break down?

A Workers  abnormal xvc}rking_                B. Typhoonn.

C. Days of heavy rajp                          D. Shock of the ca:thquake

58. According to the passage,th. e rrmPrs could be alive unaerground if           .

A there is some space for fresh air

B. they are equippeci with water-proof raciar device

C. they drink enough water

D. there is enough food

59. Which of the following is TRUE accoraing to the passage?

A. Scientific measures are used to help rescue the trapped workers.

B. Each miners being pulled out alive will be offered 2 miliion yuan.

C. Officials offered to give the continuing rescuers higher rank

D. Water-proof radar- will be puf down to give light.


We answer some questions tlris week in our series on getting into an American collegeor university.

The first question is about our recent discussion of English language test. Vo Ngoc from

Vietnam would like to know about the TOEIC,which is designed to measure skills of Englis'n asspoken in the workplace.

The Educational Testing Service adm. inisters the TOEIC. It says the test measures the

language skills of people working in an international environment. American colleges and uruversities accept scores from the TOFEL and often the IELTS. If you miss our reporf on these

tests,you can fina it at our website zurvw* unso. com..

Tahir Mahood from Pakistan asks how to improve his English before taking these kinds of

tests. Well,you c:an start by looking for ways to use English as much as you can Watch Amenatn

movies and TV shows and read books in English Look for English speakers to talk to.

The Internet has many free materials for Engiish learners. Visitors to e,uurw. unsv. ,for example,can read,listen and watch programmes on many different subjects. The U. .S. Depart-ment of Education recent launched a free website designed to help immigrants learn English.

The site is called USA Learns at zuww. usalearns, org, like unanv. chinadaily. cn, interded for

English learners in China

Next,a question from Turkey:Hasan Eker asks about getting a postdoctoral position in the

U. S. Tlus is work generally done by a person who recent:ly earped a PhD. The National Post-

doctoral Association in Washington has information about international postdocs on its websitc

. national postdoc. org.

And,finally,we have questions fr;om Iran,Afgharustan and Indonesia about how to pay

an education through jo'os. There- re rules that restr:ict the kinds of jobs that  foreign studems

can have wEule studying in the U. S.

60. What-s the purpose of the passage?

A To attract more people to the website.

B. To introduce the TOEIC to readers.

C. To ask questions on entering American uruversities.

D. To help deal with some puzzles on entering American colleges.

61, According to the passage,TOEIC is            .

A a must for those who go to American uruversities

B. designed for whoever apply for a job with companies

C, to test a student-s language skills in the workplace

D. a test for students to graduate from universities

62. A person wb.o wants to learn. English can go to the following EXCEPT _       .

A. www. unsv. com   B. www. national postdoc. org

C. www. usalearns. org      D,www chinadaiLy. cn,

63. What can we knOw from the passage?

A. Foreigr. student_ are not allowed fo do whatever jobs they like in t,he U. S.

B. Every graduate from colleges can get a postdoctoral position if they want to.

C. The IELTS is also necessary for job application like the TOEIC.

D. Students from Iran aren-t allowed to have jobs in the U. S.


Join the Farruly Read-Aloud Celebration,held by the Gonda Family Library ana the Family

Scnool Alliance at UCLA Lab School,from February 21 to March 14,2014. We ask you to spend time reading aloud to your chilr3ren at least 20 minutes each daY We hop._ to help families develop a inabit of reading aloud every day throughout and beyond primary school. We'li finish the cele-bration with a party on March 14 for the whole school.

Ways to join:

O  Visit Book Corner for reading aloud suggestions.

Come to the start of the actirity on Friday,Feb, 2".,

O   Add books to our list of favorite read-al.oud

O  Send us a photo of your family reading together (jkan,tor@ucta. zdu). Mrre will share it at  the party.

O   Record your family's reading journey! .

O  Join us for th^ party on March 14,5一7 p. rn.

Go on a reading jorumey!

Books can introduce your family to interesting people,exciting places,adventures and infor-

mation. Let your journeys take you through these categories:

O   Fiction             O   Picture books       O Poetry

O  Science             O     History          O   Sports

O  Arts              O  other Non-Fiction      O  Benefits of Reading Aloud

Reading aloud helps a cluld to read -Mth pleasure,create background knowledge,and build

vocabulary. It also prowides children with a reading model. Reading alo::d doesn't just benefit

young children Parents should continue reading aloud as their children grow because listening

comprehension is more importarit than reading skills in middle school.

Jim Trelease,in his Read-Aloud Handbook,has noted that almost as big a mistake as not

reading to chiidren at all is stopping too soon  Until about the eighth grade,children listen aml

comprehend on a higher level than their reading skills allow them to read independently, This

means children can hear and understand stories that are more difficult and more interesting than

anything they can read on their own

64. What- s the purpose of the Family Read-Aloud Celebration?          I

A To celebrate the joys of reading.

B. To help improve family relationship,

C. To change families  bad reading habits.

D. To get families into the habit of reading aloud.

65. If you want to join the activity,you're supposed to __

A. mail a book to the school                     B. make an appearance at the starting day

C. read out loud from 5~7 p. m every day       D. share your reading experience at the party

66. We can infer from Jim Tyelease that           .

A. young cluldren show greater skil{s at  s~ening than reading

B. children should be allowed to makc mistakes in reacling

C, interesting stories are easier for children to understand

D the eighth-graders can-t read on their own

67.In wliich par' oi a website can We fincl the texr?

A Culture          B. Lifestyle.          C. E,ducation.             D. Science.


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