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第I卷(选择题  共115分)






1. Which of the following does the man like best?

A. Gardening.    B.Collecting coins.    C.Collecting stamps.

2. Who is the woman speaking to?

A.A taxi driver.    B.A policeman    C.A passenger.

3. What did the man probably do just now?

Aq He read newspapers.

B. He watched a sports match.

C. He worked on a newspaper article.

4.What time is it now7

A. 9:00.    B.8:45.    c.8:30.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A monster.    B.A film.    C.A play.




6. What are the speakers probably doing?

A. Watching a show.    B.Having a class.    C.Enjoying a Chinese take-away,

7.How does the man feel?

A. Upset    B Bored.    C.Disappointed.


8. What relation is Jane to the man?

A. His wife.    B.His secretary.    C.His sister,

9. Why can't the woman help the man?

八She has to look after the children.

B. She will have her hair done.

C. She will go out with her sister.


10. Wb.at is wrong with the woman?

久She is wet all over.    B.She has a hea.dache_  C.She has coughed for three days.

11. What does tne man tell the woman to do?

八Stay in bed for some time.

B. Do housework from time to time.

C. Plant some roses tomorrow morning,

12. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A In a garden.    B.In the man's house.    C.In the woman's house.


13. How often are the sports meetings hpid?

A. Once a week.    B'Twice a week.    C Once a month

14. Which is not mentioned in the dialogue?

A. Lectures.B.Music concerts.    C.Football games

15. What does the woman remind. the man to do when he goes swimming?

Ah Make an appointment.    B.Take his swimmina suit.C.Sign at the infr)rmatinn board.

16. Hoxv much does the City Trip cost a club member and his guest?

A£30.    B.£50.    C.£90.


17. What does the speaker think of his work?

A Interesting.    B.Dull.    C.Meaningful.

18. What is the biggest surprise the Facebook give the speaker?

A. He gets lots of response.

&He has been invited to many countries.

C. He has got in touch with his best friend at school.

19. Where is the speaker now?

A In Australian    B.In Britain.    C In Austria.

20. What do we know about Carrie?

A. She is thirty years old

B. She lives near the speaker.

c. She hasn't changed one bit.




21. Regular reviewing is __good habit. If you stick to it, you will  make    great

progress in your study.

A. a;/    Ba;a    C.the;a    D./;a

22. Watch out! Do not get too close to the building. The walls    .

A. are being painted B.are painted C.have painteci    D.have been painting

23. -Shall we go for a picnic this Saturday?

. Will next Saturday be OK?

A. Sure,it}s up to you    B.Surc,it's no problem

C Sorry,l can-t make it    D.Sorry,l'm not available today

24. Good preparations should be made for a job interview,because first impressions really   .

A.count    &affect    C control    D.consider

25. Douglas quite enjoyed himself while traveling in Huangshan, though the journey tooka week

A. specially    B-approramately    c.originally    D.naturally

26. About China, the most frequently used word by people is "exciting", since the country

every day.

A is changing    B changes    C has changed    D.was changing

27. Making mistakes doesn't matter a lot; what really makes a difference is whether you can

correct them____they get worse.

A. as    &after    C when    D.before

28. There he was,standing still where I had left him and opening his mouth as if   some-


Ato say    B.saying    c.to be saying    D.having said

29. The truth is that the passers-by,rather than the driver,    for the terrible accident.

Ais to blame    B.is to be blamed    C are to blame    n are to be blamed

30. Don-t forget to put the tools back where they were after you have firushed your

work,       ?

A do you    &don't you    Cwill you    D.won-t you

31. -Without smart phones,people       closer to each other.

-Er,it seems to be high tech that has widened the distance between people.

A be    &.iroc    C.is    l- wniiIH hP

32. Success ilsually goes to____is well prepared.

A the person    B.the one    C whoever    D.who

33. Simple-minded teenagers tend to be easily       because they don't know much of the


A taken up    B.taken in    C taken on    D.taken off

34. Cherish your life and keep away from drug! It is something at no time   touch!

A you should    B should you    C.you will    D.will you

35. -1 am leaving for Madrid tomorrow,Caroline.

___    _______-

A Take your time    B.AIl the best    C Well done    D.That's OK



I spend this morning clearung up the home where I live Now I am not talking about thL house I am sitting in right now. As I  36  I can see the s:ink is still full of dirty dishes. Dust is

starting to__37on the pictures,t:ables,and even my computer again Dirt  38  to he swept from the floorrnd pet hair needs to be cleaJled  39    the couch.What is more,the  40  in  the turtIe7 s aquari啪(鱼缸)has to be cllanged.

Yet,as I looked my dirty,little house I  41  have to smile'because I know that the Home  in which I live is  42  right now. That home is my soul. When I 43    this morning I noticed

that it also had become  44 again Iwasn't willing toletit  45  the way for long,though

I have learned that a dusty soul leads to a terrible day and the terrible days lead to a(an) 46    life.

I spent the morning clearung my soul from top to____47.I swept the negative thoughts  from my mind and the  48  feelings from my heart. Worries,anger and fear were  49  into

the garbage can. When I was done I felt  50    in my home once more.

The house in which I sit may need a lot of  51  ,but it will have to wait its turn. The  home in which I live is what I am most  52  about.I hope that the same is  53  for you.I  hope that you always make efforts to keep your soul_54    ,beautiful and full of love and care.

Remember someday you will leave your house behind,but you will  5 5  your home with you.

36.Alook around    B put forward    C move back    D.take down

37.A attack    B.jump    c.gather    D.sit

38.A.hopes    B.needs    C.expects    D.wants

39.A of    B.out    C away    D.off

40.A.plant    B.stone    C.sand    D.water

41.A.ever    B.still    C never    D.hardly

42.A clean    B.dirty    C quiet    D.comfortable

43.A turned up    B.stood up    C took up    D.woke up

44.八crazy    B.lazy    C.dusty    D.rainy

45.A.lie    B.stay    C keep    D.hold

46. A. interesting    B.frightened    C satisfying    D.wasted

47.A.top    B.side    C bottom    D.middle

48.Aharmful    B.useful    C healthy    D.enjoyable

49.A collected    B.thrown    C set    D.arranged

50.久safe    B.sad    C calm    D.excited

51.A work    B.time    C.pack    D.decoration

52.A.bored    B.interested    C upset    D.concerned

53. A_ suitable    B.wronR    C true    D.helpful

54.A. dark    B.bright    C sharp D.clever

55.A bring    B-join    C.take    D.move


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