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英语是世界上最广泛的第二语言。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高三必修五英语Unit1测试题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.—        ?

— He is tall and has a pair of blue eyes.

A. What do you think of Mr. Johnson

B. How do you like Mr. Johnson

C. What does Mr. Johnson do

D. How does Mr. Johnson look like

2. Disabled bikers from all over the world are seeking        chance to compete at        2012 Paralympic Games in London.

A. the; /    B. /; the    C. a; /           D. a; the

3. Eight out of ten students        about Learning English said they liked the weekly.

A. to interview    B. having interviewed

C. interviewing    D. interviewed

4. Things getting worse, the central government must take measures to        the problem.

A. analyse       B. reject        C. handle        D. expose

5. According to the driver’s explanation, it was not he but the man crossing the street that        for the accident.

A. was blamed   B. was to blame

C. was being blamed       D. was to be blamed

6. About 70% people surveyed say that they are        about the school bus safety after so many accidents.

A. concerned  B. curious      C. cautious       D. positive

7. Jack felt        to see so many children had become        with this terrible disease.

A. shocked; infected      B. shocking; infected

C. shocked; infecting      D. shocking; infecting

8. Mr. Lee        a plan to reduce water pollution, which all the people present at the meeting thought highly of.

A. put off        B. put on       C. put away      D. put forward

9. — How was your trip to Yunnan?

— Everything was perfect        the terrible food there.

A. instead of     B. because of    C. apart from      D. thanks to

10. The look on his face suggested that he        about his daughter’s safety, so I suggested that he

the police immediately.

A. worry; call      B. worry; called

C. worried; call    D. worried; called

11. Dr. Goodall has been working in the forest for more than forty years,        herself to studying wild animals.

A. devoting      B. contributing  C. leading        D. admitting

12. President Hu        Nuclear Security Summit and delivered an important speech.

A. took       B. covered    C. joined         D. attended

13. The population of the world has reached seven billion, which is a great        to our limited resources.

A. disaster     B. challenge     C. reaction        D. measure

14. — Has Peter finished his report?

— I have no idea. This morning he        it in the office.

A. was writing    B. wrote      C. had written     D. is writing

15. Why don’t you go to bed early        you know enough sleep is important to your health?

A. now that      B. so that     C. even though    D. as though

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

We often say kids are blessed with endless creation, and that is a fact.

I remember reading a story about how a teacher   16   to inspire the students in her class. The story happened in a   17   class for students in a primary school. The teacher drew a lot of   18   on the blackboard. Then the   19   was raised by the teacher that what came to   20   when they caught the first sight of the white sheep.

The kids gave the teacher many answers. For example, some of them said the sheep   21   like white snow in winter. Others said they were like masses of marshmallow. It was a   22   that all the answers were denied (否定) by the teacher, for she was   23   someone could point out the sheep’s likeness to white clouds in the sky.   24  , all the kids failed to   25   the teacher’s goals.

Judging from the   26   from the teacher that the students lacked   27  , we can certainly point out that the teacher wasn’t well   28   to teach. She did not   29   the variety (多样化) of the answers provided by the students. According to the students, they did not know why their teacher   30   no to their answers.

I think I must be a   31   and qualified (合格的) mother. Let me show you how I try to   32   my kids. My elder son is very fond of Harry Potter. I   33   much buying him several Harry Potter costumes (服装). Now he is a high school student, who is found to be good at   34  . He founded a club and now the membership is   35   rapidly. They are very confident to stand out in the competition with their own costumes.

Of course, I am proud of my boy.

16. A. refused B. wished C. failed D. managed

17. A. drawing  B. biology  C. photography  D. composition

18. A. pictures B. sheep C. clouds D. snow

19. A. voice B. hand C. question  D. subject

20. A. mind   B. life C. eyes D. imagination 21. A. fed  B. felt C. looked  D. ran

22. A. fact  B. pity  C. story D. joke

23. A. promising B. demanding C. waiting D. expecting

24. A. Unfortunately  B. Surprisingly C. Undoubtedly  D. Clearly

25. A. pass B. reach  C. set D. find

26. A. lessons B. blame       C. hopes D. manners

27. A. experience B. interest C. confidence D. creativity

28. A. foolish B. polite C. able D. strict

29. A. notice B. point  C. expose D. catch

30. A. chose B. added C. gave D. said

31. A. loving  B. imaginative C. responsible D. beautiful

32. A. praise B. inspire C. train D. cure

33. A. considered B. suggested C. spent D. enjoyed

34. A. designing  B. performing

C. playing  D. communicating

35. A. absorbing B. spreading C. changing D. increasing

第二部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Making choices is necessary, but not always easy. Many of our expressions tell about this difficulty.

One of these expressions is “Hobson’s choice”. It is often used to describe a difficult choice. But that is not what it really means. Its real meaning is to have no choice at all. The Hobson in the expression was Thomas Hobson. Mr. Hobson owned many horses in Cambridge. Mr. Hobson often rented his horses to the students at Cambridge University. But he didn’t really trust them to take good care of the horses. So, he had a rule that prevented the students from riding his best horses. They could take the horse that was nearest the stable door. Or, they could not take any horse at all. Thus, a Hobson’s choice was really no choice.

Another expression for having no real choice is “between a rock and a hard place”. It is often used to describe a difficult situation with few choices —none of them is good. For example, your boss may ask you to work late. But you have plans to go to a movie with your friends. If you refuse to work, your boss may get angry. But if you do not go to the movies with your friends, they may get angry. So what do you do? You are “caught between a rock and a hard place”.

Another expression — “between the devil and the deep blue sea” — also gives you a choice between two equally dangerous things. Its meaning seems clear. You can choose the devil and his burning fires of hell. Or, you can choose to drown in the sea. Some experts in lexicology (词汇学) say the expression comes from the days of wooden ships. The “devil” is a word for a seam between two pieces of wood along the waterline of a ship. If the seam or crack between the two pieces of wood begins to leak (漏), then a sailor must fix it. The sailor ordered to make the repairs was in a dangerous situation. He was hung over the side of the ship, working “between the devil and the deep blue sea”.

There is still another expression that describes a situation with only bad choices — “on the horns of a dilemma” (左右为难). The dictionary says a dilemma is a situation in which you must make a decision between two equally balanced choices. When your dilemma has horns (角), making a choice becomes impossible. When you are “on the horns of a dilemma”, no matter which horn you choose, something bad will happen.

36. We could learn from Mr. Hobson’s story that he       .

A. wanted to teach the students a lesson

B. liked to make things difficult for the students

C. didn’t permit the students to ride his best horses

D. didn’t know the students were good at riding horses

37. If you are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, you       .

A. have no choice but to wait and see

B. cannot escape being punished by the devil

C. will fall into the deep blue sea sooner or later

D. find it extremely difficult to make right choices

38. The underlined word “seam” in Paragraph 4 refers to       .

A. the line where two pieces of wood meet

B. the piece of wood which begins to leak

C. the side of the ship which was being hung over

D. the sailor ordered to repair the broken side of the ship

39. Which of the following expressions doesn’t mean bad choices?

A. Between the devil and the deep blue sea.

B. Hobson’s choice.

C. Between a rock and a hard place.

D. On the horns of a dilemma.

40. For what purpose does the author write the passage?

A. To tell us how to make choices in our daily life.

B. To express how difficult it is to make right choices.

C. To talk about the differences of some useful expressions.

D. To tell us how to express the difficulty of making choices.


In the 1700s, a scientist was someone who thought about the way things work and tried to find out ways to make things work better. Today, that definition (定义) is still true. Every time Ben Franklin saw a question and tried to answer it, he was a scientist. Ben is most famous for his questions about electricity, but he also experimented with many other ideas in nature.

In 1743, Ben observed that northeast storms begin in the southwest. He thought it was strange that storms travel in an opposite direction to their winds. He predicted that a storm’s course could be charted (绘制). Ben rode a horse through a storm and chased a whirlwind three-quarters of a mile in order to learn more about storms. So, in a way, Ben was a weatherman too!

Since Ben spent so much time sailing to Europe across the Atlantic Ocean, he became very interested in both ocean currents and shipbuilding. Ben was actually one of the first people to chart the Gulf Stream.

In November of 1783, Ben happened to be in Paris, France working on a peace treaty (条约) to end the American war against England. From his hotel window, he was able to watch the world’s first known hot-air balloon flight. The balloon lifted the Montgolfier brothers off the ground as the first human beings ever known to fly. Ben was very interested in the idea of flight, predicting that one day balloons would be used for military (军事的) spy flights and dropping bombs during battle. Soon, balloons were actually being used for entertainment, military, and scientific purposes. Even though they could not yet be steered, many people volunteered to take a ride just for fun! Sadly, Ben Franklin died three years before the first American hot-air balloon voyage. In 1793, Jean-Pierre Blanchard lifted off from the Walnut Street Prison Yard in Philadelphia, beginning the hot-air balloon craze in America.

41. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Ben Franklin was a true scientist.

B. Ben Franklin could hardly be called a scientist.

C. Ben Franklin was most interested in electricity.

D. Ben Franklin was only interested in things in nature.


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