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高三必修五人教版英语Unit2练习题:The united Kingdom





1. You can easily c______ the problems if you study British history.

2. The three countries found themselves u_________ peacefully instead of by war.

3. They are going to get Ireland c _______to form the United Kingdom.

4. England is the largest of the four countries and for c______ it is divided into three zones.

5. But London has been i_______ only by some invaders of England.

6. The beauty of the artist's style ________(在于) in its simplicity.

7. We shall not let such a small matter_______(分裂) us.

8. I have been p__________ about this question for weeks now.

9. We d_________ on the question till late into the night.

10.He was compelled to join the ___________(工会) as a condition of getting the job.

11.They are anxious to develop friendly _______(关系)with their neighboring countries.

12.I am innocent, I got this money l_________.

13. The a__________ of the moon for the earth causes the tides.

14. The c__________ of these stamps took ten years.

15.She's doing a p________ on adult education.

17.We have already made a__________ for our vacation

18.A golden w__________ is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.

19.Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer __________(观光).

20.The swimming pool is___________(可利用的) only in summer.

21.He enjoyed the _________(趣事、乐事) of New York's night life.

22.Students in No.2 middle school should wear school u_________.

23.The king was wearing a _________(有光彩的) golden crown.

24.The S________ of Liberty stands in New York Harbor.

25.She was t________ with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.

26.He is__________(伶俐的,机警的;精明的) and can take care of himself.

27.He remained___________(始终如一的) in his opposition to anything new.

28.The situation suddenly became ________(紧张)

29.There's an _________(错误) in your calculation.

30.Most of the s__________ made at the meeting were not very practical.


1.      It is ______taking the trouble ______a job fully to new employees.

A worthy; explaining  B worthwhile; to explain  C worthy; to explain D worthwhile explaining

2. On no ______climb that hill,” said our parents.

A conditions you must B condition must you C conditions must you D condition you must

3.-Is there anything you want from the town?

-No thank you, I would like to get ______.

A those letters mailed B to mail these letter C those letters mail D to mail those letter

4. Last night Bill returned from his office to find his sister______ unconsciously beside the sofa.

A lying  B laid  C laying  D to lie

5. They woke up _______everything around ______

A found changed  B finding changed  C to find changing  D to find changed

6. Do you think _____ true that _______is hard work that leads to success?

A it; it  B it ;what  C that; it  D what which

7.To understand the grammar of the sentence you must break it___ into parts.

A down B up C off  D out

8.Come and see me whenever _______.

A you are convenient        B you will be convenient

C it is convenient to you     D it will be convenient to you

9. He sent me an e-mail,_____ to get further information.

A hoped   B hoping   C to hope    D hope

10.-I saw your son fighting with another boy this morning.-________!It couldn’t be Tom. He has gone to America with his father.

A Not so  B suppose not  C You must be mistaken  D Probably not

11._______this book and tell me what you think of it.

A look through   look on  C look into  D look up

12. John Snow was well known doctor,--so famous, indeed, that he _______Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.

A looked after    B attended   C took care of    D accompanied

13.The first theory suggested that cholera ______in the air without reason.

A multiply    B multiplies  C multiplied  D multiplying

14. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

A make up B consisted of C consist in D consists of

15. England is the largest of the four countries and ___________it is divided roughly into three zones.   A in convenience   B with convenience  C for convenience  D at convenience

16. __________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.  A. Having lost    B. Lost      C. Being lost      D. Losing

17 -- What are you going to do this afternoon?

-- I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _______ quite early, so we  _________ to the bookstore after that.

A. finished; are going     B. finished; go    C. finishes; are going  D. finishes; go

18.-- You've left the light on. -- Oh, I have. ________ and turn it off.

A. I'll go      B. I've gone      C. I go        D. I'm going

19.He kept his mouth _________and stayed where he was.

A shutting   B to shut   C being shut    D shut

20.When I said somebody stupid I was not _________to you.

A referring to  B refering to  C referred to   D referred to

21. He was born in ______, and now he is in ________

A his 1950s; his fifties B the 1950’s; his fifties C the 1950s; the fifties D the 1950s; thefifties

22. Peter had his gas and electricity ______when moved to a new apartment last month.

A turning on B turned on C to turn on D turn on

23. -- Did you have a good time at the party? -- Thanks. I appreciated _________ to your home.

A. to be invited        B. being invited    C. to have invited      D. having invited

24 We visited the factory ________ makes 80 percent of the toys in the city.

A. where     B. there          C. in which     D. which

25 He felt that he_______ the coldness that had grown between them.

A. was blamed to     B. was to blame for  C. was to be blamed for    D. blamed


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