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下面是威廉希尔app 高中频道小编整理的2016高三英语上学期期末试题及答案,希望能帮助大家复习!


21.If you're buying today 's paper from the stand, could you get        for me?

A.one             B.such            C.this            D.that

22.When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone,           ?

A.where were you                                    B.where did you go

C.where have you been                               D.where have you gone

23.The College Inn stands in a quiet place just ______ the school yard by the pine walk.

A.to             B.for               C.off              D.out

24.After the speech, she was invited by the students _ ____ with them.

A.take a photo                         B.taking a photo

C.to take a photo                      D.taken a photo

25.—Look! Somebody ______the blackboard.

—Well, it wasn't me.I didn't do it.

A.is cleaning                          B.was cleaning

C.had cleaned                          D.has cleaned

26.His father works in a company_______ name always appears in the local newspapers.

A.when          B.whose              C.where     D.which

27.My new computer has ______ the old one.

A.twice as much memory as             B.as twice much memory as

C.twice memory as much as              D as much twice memory as

28.We are considering the students' request _________ the school canteen should provide more kinds of food especially during the weekends.

A.that            B.when         C.which          D.where

29.Mum, could you lend me a few dollars until I ______ at the end of this month?

A.had been paid                        B.got paid

C.have paid                        D.get paid

30.I don't think I'm going to Scotland for Christmas, It's such a long way.        ,I haven't got much money left.

A.Nevertheless                        B.Besides

C.Otherwise                        D.Therefore

31.The graduation ceremony,_______ at 9 pm yesterday, was followed by a film .

A.starting                             B.being started

C.to start                         D.to be started

32.One of our rules is that every student_____wear the school uniform while at school.

A.might           B.could       C.shall              D.will

33.A new school has.been set up ______ there was nothing a year ago but ruins.

A.when            B.until       C.before              D.where

34.______ early for his date, Mark spent time reading the newspaper.

A.Arriving                             B.Having arrived

C.Arrived                          D.To arrive

35.If we          a full preparation, the meeting wouldn't have been so successful.

A.haven't made                        B.wouldn't make

C.didn't make                      D.hadn’t  made

第二节 完型填空

My First Job

Jay Leno is a very famous TV host in NBC.He started his talk show titled The Jay Lena Show in September 2009.It was a very popular TV programm in America.Here is the story of his first job.

I gained a very strong work concept from my parents, both of whom lived through a hard period of time-the Great Depression      (大萧条).They couldn't ___36___ people who didn't work regularly.I once told my mom that Sylvester Stallone was getting $12 million for ten weeks of work."What's he going to do the rest of the _37__?" she asked.

I took my first job at Wilmington Ford near my homerown of Andover, Massachusetts, when I was 16.I worked until five or six o'clock on school days and __38____ 12-hour days during the summer as a prepper(擦洗汽车的小工).This meant washing and polishing the new cars, and making sure the paper floor mats were in __39__.Another responsibility was taking off the hubcaps (车轮毂盖) at night, so they wouldn't get stolen, and    40    them the next day.This was    41     work because we had about seven acres of   42  One day, carrying an armful of hubcaps    43    a corner, I almost __44__ our new general manager.Scared, I dropped them all.He __45 me on the spot.

I was too ashamed to tell my parents.Every day for about two weeks, I stayed __46   until evening.Then I would go home and say I had a .__47___ day at work.

Trying to make a last    48   ,  I wrote a letter to Henry Ford II and told him what happened.I said that we were a reliable Ford family and that when I was old enough, I was going to buy a Mustang. __49__ the owner of the dealership(经营店) called."I don't know who you know in Detroit." he said."but if you want your job back, you've  50  it.”

Later, during college, I wanted to work at a Roils-Royce dealership, but the owner said there were no openings.So 1 started washing cars there anyway.When the ___51__ noticed me, I said I was working until he _52__ me.He did.And the second day, I started to work there as a sales clerk.

It   53    persistence (坚持) to succeed.Attitude    54_ matters.I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldn't be _ 55   .

36.A.see            B.know           C.understand     D.love

37.A.day            B.month          C.week           D.year

38.A.put in         B.took up        C.gave out       D.stuck to

39. A.place         B.need           C.shape          D.fashion

40.A.changing       B.selling        C.replacing      D.cleaning

41.A.hard           B.normal         C.regular        D.plain

42.A.mats           B.cars           C.areas          D.floors

43.A.at             B.in             C.beyond        D.around

44.A.broke into     B.looked across C.crashed into   D.came across

45.A.fired          B.left           C.punished       D.forgot

46.A.calm           B.busy           C.still          D.alone

47.A.stressful      B.relaxing       C.bad            D.great

4S.A.effort         B.change         C.dialogue       D.decision

49.A.Gradually      B.Eventually     C.Temporarily    D.Hopefully


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