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第 I 卷(选择题,三部分,共75分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,每题1分,满分20分)



1. What does the man want?

A. A tennis game.        B. An online game.          C. A shooting game.

2. What will the man do next?

A. Make dinner.          B. Wash the dishes.          C. Watch TV.

3. What does the man mean?

A. He prefers to keep the window closed.

B. He is too busy to open the window.

C. He agrees to open the window at once.

4. What is the time now?

A. About 5:30.         B. About 5:00.          C. About 4:30.

5. What does the man suggest doing?

A. Pressing the emergency button.

B. Calling the service centre.

C. Doing nothing for a short while.




6. What did the woman spend $10 on?

A. The taxi.          B. The hot dogs.          C. The popcorn and drinks.

7. Where did the speakers go just before they went home?

A. To the convenience store.     B. To the movies.

C. To the new hot dog place.


8. What relation is Ms Leska to the woman?

A. Her roommate.           B. Her cousin.           C. Her workmate.

9. Who will probably meet Kevin at the bus station?

A. Claudia.             B. Tara.               C. Albee.

10. What will the woman do at 3:00 p.m.?

A. Meet the man.           B. Look after Ms Leska.        C. Teach a class.


11. How did the man learn to play instruments?

A. He taught himself.

B. He learned it at school.

C. He learned it at pubs and clubs.

12. What instrument did the man play first?

A. The piano.            B. Keyboards.             C. The drum.

13. When did the man leave school?

A. In 1981.            B. In 1992.              C. In 1997.


14. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. An article.             B. A newspaper.            C. A minibus.

15. How did the girl fall down on the road?

A. She tripped over something.

B. She was knocked over by a car.

C. She slipped because of the wet road.

16. Who flew out in the accident?

A. A car driver.           B. A minibus driver.        C. A minibus passenger.

17. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The accident took place on Tuesday.

B. A truck was involved in the accident.

C. The woman witnessed the accident.


18. When were the speaker and his friends caught in a storm?

A. The second night.   B. The fifth night.   C. The last night.

19. What was the weather like on the last day?

A. Rainy.     B. Cloudy.     C. Fine.

20. What do we know about the speaker?

A. He was persuaded into the trip.

B. He walked 100 miles in one week.

C. He was disappointed at the trip.


第一节  单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. As long as my drive tester instructed me to pull into the parking lot, I was sure I ______.

A. passed       B. have passed     C. was passed   D. had passed

22. Last year alone, the temporary unemployment insurance lifted 2.5 million people out of poverty, and ________ the blow for many more.

A. corrected        B. cushioned        C. compensated    D. corresponded

23. While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you _____ your abilities must be  displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.

A. while            B. when            C. and            D. but

24. —________, I can attach no definite meaning to this rather grand sentence.

—Why not turn to your teacher for help?

A. As hard I might try      B. Try hard as I might

C. As hard as I might try      D. Try as hard as I might

25. The true traveler sets out to make an independent, unhurried journey to the unknown, travelling ________ few people have set foot.

A. in which       B. what            C. when           D. where

26. The proportion of elderly people increases in Britain and medical advances make it possible to keep alive patients who ________ previously.

A. would die   B. had died C. should have died  D. would have died

27. —Did Jack take the doctor's advice that he _____ in bed for another three days?

—If only he_____.

A.lie; had        B.lies; does     C.lies; would   D.lie; did

28. The kitchen might have been workable had Nicola kept it tidy; ________ it was littered with pots and pans.

A. therefore   B. anyhow   C. instead    D. though

29. Time is pressing; it’s impossible for me to get there in an hour, ________ the possible delays.

A. accounting for    B. answering for    C. allowing for   D. heading for

30. Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but ________, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.

A. that    B. which    C. one    D. whose

31. The deal, _______ next week, will allow Charney to make a great fortune in the stock market.

A. completed         B. being completed

C. to be completed        D. having been completed

32. — I’m sorry to tell you that you made a mistake in your test.

— How can that be? I did it _______ in class.

A. as told       B. as am told         C. as telling        D. as I told

33. By pretending to be ill, the candidate tried to run away from _______ issues, which always aroused too much debate.

A. confidential    B. controversial   C. contemporary   D. contradictory

34. —What’s up? What’s that terrible noise from our upstairs neighbor?

—The spoiled boy is yelling and screaming to ______, I guess.

A. mend his way  B. stop his way  C. push his way  D. get his way

35. --- The manager of the factory wants to improve production a great deal, but he doesn’t spend much on technology.

---I am afraid he won’t realize his dream. You know ________.

A. you can’t eat your cake and have it      B. empty vessels make the greatest sound

C. enough is as good as a feast            D. two heads are better than one


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