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高三已经进入了复习阶段,为帮助大家复习,威廉希尔app 整理了2016届高三英语上册11月百题精练试卷,请大家练习。





A group of soldiers were stationed (驻扎) in the country near the home of a big landowner, called Lord Hunt.As they wanted to stay on good terms with the landowner, they offered to blow up a large tree stump that had remained after part of a tree had been blown down in the storm.But Lord Hunt asked them not to damage the plantation of young trees that was next to the stump.The officer in charge of the engineers promised him that they would be careful.Lord Hunt was so pleased that he asked the whole group to lunch on the day of the explosion.

The day came and just before lunch, the officer checked with one of his men to see if they had put enough explosive in the stump.“I checked the maths,” said the soldier and it comes to 32 kilos.“Are you sure?” asked the officer.“Perhaps you’d better put in a bit more just to make sure.” The lunch continued and everyone ate a lot and drank a lot.

A little later, the group of soldiers went outside with Lord Hunt to see the explosion.“You just see, Lord Hunt, that tree will fall in exactly the right place without hurting any of your young trees,” said the officer.The soldier lit the fuse, then walked quickly away to take cover.After a minute the tree, instead of falling over on its side, rose with the explosion 20 metres into the air, taking with it a huge quantity of earth together with all the young plantation.“Sorry sir, I made a mistake!” said the soldier.“It should have been 3.2 kilos, not 32 kilos.”

Lord Hunt was so upset that he turned around and walked back to his house.He looked at the house in horror and saw that every single window had been broken by the explosion.He was so upset that he went to the toilet on the ground floor to get over his feelings of shock.When he had finished, he pulled the plug of the toilet and the whole ceiling, which had been weakened by the explosion, fell on his head.

56.It can be inferred from the text that the tree “stump” (in paragraph1) was ________.

A.the broken top part of a tree  B.the bottom part of a large tree

C.the branches of a fallen tree   D.a young tree in another plantation

57.The explosion caused great damages because ________.

A.the officer told the soldier to put in a bit more to make sure of the result

B.the soldier made a mistake in maths about the amount of the explosive

C.the soldier wanted to play a joke on Lord Hunt

D.the soldier drunk so much that he could not carry out the order from the officer

58.When the explosion came, it ________.

A.destroyed the tree without harming the plantation

B.blew up the tree but left the stump

C.was stronger than expected

D.blew up the tree in the expected direction

59.When Lord Hunt saw the results of the explosion, ________.

A.he was very angry and complained to the officer

B.he went inside to check the house for damage

C.he was shocked and upset

D.he was surprised to see the damaged ceilings


“We’re all sad, and we’re a little worried...We’re sad about something missing in childhood,” psychologist Michael Thompson told 900 early childhood educators from 22 states packed into a lecture hall last week.“We have to fight back,” he declared.“We’re going to fight for play.”

It is estimated that since the 1980s the average American children have 8 to 12 fewer hours of free play time per week.Some of the factors behind the decline have been there for decades, others are more recent.Among the key factors are:

● Parents are unwilling to let their kids play outside on their own, for fear of injury or other accidents, and organized sports and other structured activities take up a large part of a child’s non-school hours.

● More hours per week are spent by kids watching TV, playing video games, using the Internet, and communicating on cell phones.

● More importance is attached to formal learning in preschool, more homework for primary school students and more pressure from parents on young children to quickly acquire academic skills.

“Parents are more self-conscious and competitive than in the past,” Thompson said.“They’re pushing their kids to do better than others...Free play loses out.” But he points out that this option doesn’t necessarily breed (培养) creativity and can lead to burnout for good young athletes and frustration for the less skilled.He is also concerned that preschools, in the drive to prepare students for the academic challenges ahead, are reducing the opportunity for group fantasy play — and thus reducing children’s chances to learn on their own about fairness, kindness and other social interactions (交往).

The consequences are potentially awful, according to Thompson, who points out that reduced time to play freely with other children is producing a generation of unsociable young people and is a factor behind high rates of weight problems, anxiety, and depression among youth.“Without enough opportunity for forms of play that promote creative thinking,” he says, “America’s children will be at a disadvantage in the global economy.”

60.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.American kids have about 8 to 12 hours of free play time each week.

B.American parents don’t allow their children to do a lot of sports.

C.Many preschools are paying more attention to formal learning.

D.American children spend less time watching TV.

61.Children’s free play time has been reduced for the following reasons EXCEPT______.

A.parents are concerned about their children’s safety

B.parents have higher academic expectations on their children

C.children spend more time on other activities instead of free play

D.some education experts give parents improper advice

62.What is the most important thing that children get by playing freely?

A.Knowledge about the rules of some sports.

B.Skills in playing computer games.

C.Motivation to do better than others.

D.Opportunities to promote creative thinking.

63.According to Thompson, American children will be more _____ as a result of reduced play      time.

A.competitive B.depressed  C.hard-working   D.sociable


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