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期中考试是对我们这半个学期来学习成果的检验,通过检验我们可以及时地了解自己各方面的不足,威廉希尔app 带来了2016届高三英语上册期中考试试题,供大家练习!


第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. Where is the man’s mother now?

A. In her home.      B. In a hospital.       C. In her office.

2. What do we know about Mark?

A. He’s not feeling at ease.

B. He’s looking for a new apartment.

C. He’s happy that his parents aren’t coming.

3. What will the weather be like next week?

A. Cloudy and windy.   B. Rainy and cold.   C. Snowy and windy.

4. What do we know about the man?

A. He doesn’t like his job.

B. He will not give up his job.

C. He has a large family to support.

5. How will the guests go to New York?

A. By car.          B. By taxi.       C. By plane




6. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Workmates.      B. Neighbors.     C. Strangers.

7. What can’t the man wait to do?

A. Go shopping with his wife.

B. Look after his children.

C. Work in his garden.

8. When does this conversation most probably take place?

A. On Wednesday       B. On Friday       C. On Sunday


9. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A. In a shop.      B. At home.     C. In the street.

10. Who are Ann and Dick?

A. The speakers’ children.

B. The speakers’ friend’s children.

C. The speakers’ niece and nephew.

11. What will the speakers buy for Dick?

A. Some records.     B.A toy suit.    C.A book.


12. When was it unusual to see a plane?

A. In the early 1960’s.   B. In the 16th century.   C. In the early 1900’s.

13. Why can we use electric lights?

A. Someone has paid for us.

B. We have more money than before.

C. Someone invented ways to make use of electricity.

14. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The changes of life.     B. The history of planes.    C. The invention of electric lights.


15. What did the man plan to do at first?

A. Work in a supermarket.     B. Open his own business.    C. Work in an old shop.

16. What is the man’s job now?

A. A shop assistant.     B. The owner of a supermarket.   C. A businessman.

17. What do we know about the woman?

A. She once worked in Japan.

B. She has a job abroad.

C. She changes jobs too often.


18. Where will the American writer give a talk?

A. At the bookshop.    B. In a library.    C. In Allen Hall.

19. What will the writer talk about?

A. Her latest novel.   B. Her success story.    C. Her recent journey.

20. Who is the woman speaking to?

A. Students.          B. Tourists.         C. Writers.


第一节 语法和语汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


21. —Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

—Thank you. _________.

A.It couldn’t be better      B.Of course you can

C.If you like               D.It’s up to you

22. The harder you study, the more questions you will think of ____.

A. asking     B. to ask     C. being asked    D. to be asked

23. If we __________ to him, he will only make further demands.

A. give up    B. give away   C. give out      D. give way to

24. The design __________all the ages and social groups is not easy to make.

A. appealed to             B. being appealed to

C. to be appealed to        D. appealing to

25. You’re watching TV? You’re ___to be cleaning your own room.

A. known    B. supposed   C. regarded    D. considered

26. _________ expressing her love for you, my sister has also expressed mine.

A. In        B. On         C. At        D. Beyond

27. It is the protection for the trees ______ really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.

A. what          B. that          C. 不填             D. which

28. I told him he could choose _________ seat he like in our meeting room.

A. which         B. what          C. whichever         D. no matter what

29. We left the meeting, there obviously __________ no point in staying.

A. were          B. being         C. to be        D. having

30. In China respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese __________.

A. virtue         B. advantage      C. goodness     D. benefit

31. —I’m taking my mid-term test tomorrow.


A. Cheers!   B. Good luck   C. Come on   D. Congratulations

32. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it______ yesterday.

A. was happening       B. happens    C. has happened        D. happened

33. —Shall we meet tonight?

—Sorry, I’m busy. How about________ day?

A. every other    B. the other    C. any other   D. some other

34. The government demands that the factory send the waste water out _______it has been

made clean.

A. even though     B. as if     C. so that     D. only if

35. —You seemed to be impressed by his skill.

—Not exactly so. It was his courage ______his skill that really impressed me.

A. as well as     B. rather than     C. but also        D. together with


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