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高三已经进入了复习阶段,为帮助大家复习,威廉希尔app 整理了2016届山东省枣庄市高三英语上学期期中检测试卷,请大家练习。




l. Why don't you put _____  chair a litlle bit forward to get ______ better view?

A. a; the           B. the; a            C. the;不填          D.不填;a

2. -May l try the jacket on?

-_______, but I think it will he too large for you.

A. That all depends  B.  By all means    C. With pleasure      D.  You' re welcome

3. " Do not do to others ______you do not want done to yourself” . as Confucius once said

A. what            B. that            C. which             D. who

4. The umbrella is a poor ________ from heavy rain.

A. house            B. tool           C. supply             D. shelter

5. I woke up _______myself lying on a hospital bed.

A. find             B. finding         C. to find             D. found

6. The story ____ he true. for I read it in the newspaper.

A. can              B. must           C. will              D. need

7. His jakes didn't even raise a smile, _____ was embarrassing .

A. which            B. it              C. what             D. that

8. Cathy !  You _____ on the phone ,  by a Sir named John Smith.

A. are being wanted  B. will want        C. are wanting       D. are wanted

9. The thought came to him ______ Mary had probably fallen ill.

A. what            B. which           C. that             D. if

10. He lost his computer while travelling. ______ away all his secret photos.

A. gave             B. to give          C. giving           D. given

11. Divide the cake into quarters and share it ______.

A. equally          B. usually          C. directly          D. regularly

12 .  A1l horses are animals, _______ not all animals are horses.

A. or             B. and             C. so               D. but

13 . -Has Tom finished his paper today?

-__________ He was working on it this afternoon.

A.  Don't mention it                  B.  That's all right

C.  I have no idea                    D.  Not at all

14. I met him last autumn and ______ him ever since.

A.  didn't see      B. haven't seen    C.  hadn't seen       D.  wouldn't see

15. A ___ person is likely to make and keep more friends.

A. considerate      B. violent         C. sensitive          D. curious

16.Today we will begin where we stopped yesterday ______ no point will be left out.

A .as if            B. when          C .so that            D. where

17. I heard the voices. but couldn't _____ what they were saying.

A. look into       B. make out        C. put in            D. take on

18. I _ you an apology for what I said this morning.  Anyway , I meant no offence.

A. owe           B. make           C. win             D. give

19. 1'm leaving now.  If you have _______ business , you may hang up the phone.

A. some other     B. another         C. no other          D. the other、

20. I didn't know he was deaf, or else I ____that.

A. wouldn't have said                 B.  won't say

C. wouldn't say                      D.  won't have said

21. ______ it is raining hard . you may as well stay here as leave.

A. Although       B. After          C. When          D. Since

22. Jenny certainly _____ go swimming in the river - Once bitten ,  twice shy.

A. can't           B. won't          C. shan't          D. mustn't

23. -Are there any English dictionaries for us students in the library?

-There are only a few. if _______.

A. nothing          B. no            C. any           D. all

24. The tasks they faced seemed far ________ their ability.

A. within           B. beyond        C. against        D. off

25. The cup fell down to the ground ,  ________.

A. broke            B. breaking      C. to break        D. broken



A man was decorating the newly painted walls of his house. He was using nails and a hammer in order to    26    the family picture.In the process. some nails got 27 and fell down on the floor.

The man's 4-year-old daughter who wanted to    28    with her dad called out to him. However the man was    29   with framing the pictures, and so he   30   her calls. Finally he asked her to go outside and play with her   31  . The girl saw the nails lying on the floor and 32   a few going out to play.

After a while the son came running in telling that the girl was   33   the newly purchased  car with the nails.

The man ran outside in a fit of   34  . He took his child's hand and hit it many times.  without realizing he was using the   35 . which was in his hand.  With blood all over her hands, the girl was   36   to a nearby hospital.

The girl experienced an emergency   37 . After a while. when the child saw her father in  the hospital, with painful eyes ,  she said:  " Dad , I am so  38     for what I did" .  Then she continued looking at her hand     39     and asked :  " When will I get back my fingers ,  Dad? I  40  that I will never ever do that again".

But the girl would never get   41    back because of his uncontrolled anger and stupid action.  The man was so Hurt that he couldn't    42    sobbing and crying for hours.

He wert back to the    43    and kicked it many times.  44  by his own actions. he sat in front of car and suddenly saw the words on it.    45    ' LOVE YOU DAD ' .

26. A. hang        B. draw          C. repair         D. change

27. A. stolen        B. lost          C. bent           D. beaten

28. A. help         B. play          C. drive          D. work

29. A. busy        B. tired          C. happy          D. pleased

30. A. accepted     B. noticed        C. followed       D. ignored

31. A. mother      B. brother        C. sister           D. friend

32. A. picked up    B. put away       C. gave off        D. brought out

33. A. decorating   B. writing         C. scratching      D. knocking

34. A. worry       B. curiosity       C. interest         D. anger

35. A. nail         B. hammer       C. fist      '      D. stick

36. A. hurried      B. thrown         C. rushed         D. forced

37. A. transplant    B. operation      C.judgement       D. inspection

38. A. cruel       B. responsible      C. sorry          D. eager

39. A. carefully    B. angrily         C. thankfully      D. tearfully

40. A. promise     B. hope          C. admit          D. wish

41. A. it          B. them          C. that            D. one

42. A. miss       B. stand          C. finish          D. stop

43. A. house      B. nail           C. car            D. picture

44. A. Shocked    B. Delighted      C. Touched        D. Encouraged

45. A. showing    B. reading        C. noting          D. watching


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