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When it comes to money, women are really more responsible than men. An international survey finds that they’re __41__ likely to get into debt and work hard to become financially __42__.

A global survey polled(民意测验) some 4,500 women in 12 countries about money matters. A(n) __43__ number of men were also asked several questions __44__ to finances.

The survey __45__ that just over half respondents of both genders(性别) said women are more __46__ with money than men, with the highest level of __47__ found in Mexico, where 72 percent of people believed women were better at __48__ finances.

And although more than 40 percent of women use __49__ of their monthly income to __50__ credits cards, some 70 percent of female respondents __51__ said that having more than one credit card could lead to __52__ debt, revealing women’s higher awareness.

“It’s __53__ not the card itself that causes anyone to use it. So the statement is really __54__ control and temptation,” said Clair Braveman, international market research firm Synovate’s senior vice president of Financial Services in the USA.

“The ability to __55__ more than you can afford can certainly lead to debt. It means people have to __56__ themselves and their spouses(配偶).” She added.

More women believed in their financial __57__ than men, with 61 percent saying they were more responsible, __58__ only 40 percent of men agreed.

But nearly half the women surveyed also __59__ that they were bigger spenders than their male counterparts(相对应者), with __60__ 70 percent of men agreeing.

41. A. more B. less C. much D. little


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