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Once upon a time, a doting mother asked Albert Einstein what she should read to her son to help him grow up as brilliant and intelligent as the famous scientist.

“Fairy-tales,” he said, wisely nodding his head.

Why? Why would Albert Einstein — the Nobel Prizes winning physicist recommend reading fairy-tales? Was he joking? All the evidence suggests he was deadly serious. He also said, “When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.”

Childhood is one of the factors that blur (使变模糊) the distinctions between the self and other objects. Thus fantasy stories appeal to children and appear to make sense to them.

There are several commonly accepted genres (流派) of fantasy, “Animal Fantasy” which centers around the lives of lovable talking animals and “Modern Fantasy” which focuses on adventures in other worlds and magical events. I am inclined to add a third genre “Human and Animal Fantasy”, which mixes human and animal characters. Another genre of fantasy may be “High Fantasy” which features heroes who combat evil and save the world from destruction.

Fantasy feeds a child’s imagination and encourages creativity. The enjoyment that the genre engenders (产生) promotes reading and enhances literacy. Moreover, the fantasy genre may be used for teaching purposes. For example: A story about cruelty to animals would limit appeal to a child; however a fantasy celebration of closeness between the children and their pets may give an element of excitement as the children are able to save animals from someone with cruel intentions.

Children love the Harry Potter series, and if they only see the movies they miss a great opportunity to develop their reading skills by spending time with the lovable young wizards and witches (巫婆)of the Hogwarts community.

46. Albert Einstein recommended reading fairy-tales because    .

A. he was just joking with the mother

B. he contributed his gift of fantasy to reading fairy-tales

C. he got some scientific ideas from fairy-tales

D. the gift of fantasy equals to the talent for abstract, positive thinking

47. A student who likes reading about heroes will probably read    .

A. Animal Fantasy B. Modern Fantasy

C. Human and Animal Fantasy D. High Fantasy

48. Children are advised to read the Harry Potter series because    .

A. they are better than the films

B. they can help improve children’s reading ability

C. the films are not true to the original stories

D. children can’t learn much from the films

49. Which of the following best gives the main idea of the sixth paragraph?

A. Fantasy can be educational to children.

B. Fantasy can bring great joy to children.

C. Children should not read stories about animals.

D. Fantasy can teach children to be kind to animals.

50. The author of the passage probably believes    .

A. children should not read too much fantasy

B. all genres of fantasy are suitable for children

C. fantasy can benefit children in many ways

D. Human and Animal Fantasy is most suitable for children


“A serious attack on the fantasy story for children comes from those who do not wish children to be frightened,” writes C.S. Lewis in an essay named Three Ways of Writing for Children. Those who say that children must not be frightened mean two things. Firstly, they mean that we mustn’t do anything likely to give children fears, and secondly, they want to keep out of their minds that they are born into a world of death, violence (暴力), wounds, good and evil (邪恶). C.S. Lewis says he agrees with the first reason, but not the second.

He goes on to comment, “Since it is so likely that they will meet cruel (残酷的) enemies, let them at least hear of brave fighters and heroic courage. By limiting your child to perfect and nice stories of child life in which nothing alarming ever happens, they would fail to face fears and hardships.” “It would be nice,” he continues, “if no little boy in bed ever hears a frightening sound. But if he is to be frightened, I think St. George, or any bright champion in armor, is a better comfort than the idea of the police.”

Bruno Bettelheim, a well-known child psychologist, also points out that fantasy stories provide children with a valuable education about good and evil. He believes that all children have many personal fantasies filled with fears and fantasy stories comfort them and offer solutions. Happy endings tell them that solutions and hope are real and model the kind of happy life children want to find.

A good fantasy suggests rather than teaches possible answers to life. It’s believed that reading fantasies quickens the ability to get and put ideas from books to reality. It’s what good literature does — it makes life larger.

51. According to the first paragraph, C.S. Lewis thinks that    .

A. children shouldn’t read any fantasy story because it is bad

B. adults shouldn’t do things that may frighten their children

C. death and badness should be kept out of children’s minds

D. writing a fantasy story is the best way of writing for children

52. What probably is St. George according to the text?

A. He is a policeman in real life.

B. He is a murderer caught by the police.

C. He is a brave man in a fantasy novel.

D. He is a frightening person in a story.

53. Why should children read fantasy literature according to Bruno Bettelheim?

A. Because it encourages children to have a lot of fantasies.

B. Because it helps children overcome fears and find solutions.

C. Because it teaches children to write their own fantasy stories.

D. Because it gives children a happy memory when they grow up.

54. It can be inferred from the text that    .

A. good literature can give readers more valuable stories

B. fantasies can improve one’s ability to solve problems

C. personal fantasies can help children get away from danger

D. most children can understand what fantasy literature is

55. Which of the following features of fantasy literature does the author want to stress?

A. It’s necessary and helpful. B. It’s interesting and attractive.

C. It’s useless but enjoyable. D. It’s frightening but exciting.


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