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There are many opposite things, which cannot be united by many people. But, there will always be a chance to unite two different things in one work. The following explanation will tell you more about the possibility to combine painting and poetry.

Perhaps, it is not a new idea to tell people that they can actually produce the great work through combining the painting and poems. In this case, we can unite both things in two ways. The first thing is to make poems as the main inspiration to do paintings. It is also possible to write a poem after looking at the painting. That will be the great first recommended way people can look at.

What about the next idea to combine painting and poetry? In this case, we can combine both of them on the canvas. You can do a good painting on the canvas and then write down the poem on that painting. It is a unique artwork and will be a good example to be looked at. I do not know whether this kind of concept has been used before. But this is the quite great new idea for me. It will make people love painting and poetry at once. You will not need to read the poem on the white plain paper anymore.

A poem is a good work to represent a story or a thought. It is not too long and complicated. It is a series of words arranged in stanza (节) and lines. So, combining it with another type of art (such as painting) will be very good. You can get the message of the poem through the colors and "story" on the canvas. Do you want to try it out? All you need to do is to play with your creativity in making a painting with the right color composition and also the great words on it.

36. What’s the author’s attitude toward the combination of painting and poetry?

A. Supportive. B. Opposed. C. Bored. D. Indifferent.

37. The underlined word “canvas” in Paragraph 3 probably means    .

A. walls of buildings B. pieces of paper

C. painting cloth D. computer screens

38. What function does a poem serve according to the text?

A. Making an artist famous.

B. Indicating the creativity of a poet.

C. Working as a symbol of a good work.

D. Delivering the message of a story or a thought.

39. What do you need if you want to combine painting and poetry?

A. Great Creativity. B. The knowledge of poetry.

C. Life experiences. D. Skills of art.

40. It can be inferred from the text that    .

A. any opposite things can be united through efforts

B. poems can inspire us to paint but not the opposite

C. painting and poems are recently combined together

D. the author hasn’t combined poems and painting before


The word “cancer” seems to leave most people at a loss for words. I found this out first hand 16 months ago. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and left the doctor’s office in the dark. Upon arriving home, I gave my husband the medical certificate (诊断书). He had very little to say about it.

During the period before my surgery, my husband would only talk about it if pressed into a conversation. I felt alone, very depressed, and unloved. I didn’t think he really cared for me and showed me moral support of some form or another.

On the morning of my surgery, we were at the hospital early. We just made small talk as we awaited my appointed hour. When the nurse came to wheel me away to operation, she said my husband could accompany us as far as the waiting area.

There were several people already in the waiting area, and right in front of the nurse and the other people, my husband bent down and kissed me and said, “I love you.” This is something that the nurse had probably heard quite often, but you need to realize that for my husband did this in public. At that point, I finally realized that he did care.

I felt fine after the surgery. However, I was concerned about my “appearance” and how my husband would accept all this. I looked at myself in the mirror, biting my lip to keep from crying. Just then, he hugged me and said it didn’t matter to him that I’d had both breasts removed and it mattered that I got well.

I had always felt close to my husband and had always considered him a friend. But at that moment in the bathroom, I suddenly knew what the words “best friend” and “soul mate” meant.

41. Why did the author think her husband was not concerned about her?

A. Because her husband didn’t even know her state of illness.

B. Because the author went to see the doctor alone.

C. Because her husband didn’t say much about her illness.

D. Because the author felt alone and unloved.

42. When her husband kissed her in public, the author was probably    .

A. surprised B. heartbroken C. ashamed D. shy

43. When did the author first realize her husband cared for her?

A. After her husband comforted her in the bathroom.

B. As her husband accompanied her to the surgery.

C. When her husband said, “I love you” in public.

D. After her husband accepted her appearance.

44. We can learn from the text that after the surgery, the author    .

A. felt very satisfied

B. was very sad about her appearance

C. lost confidence in her husband

D. cared little about what her husband thought of her

45. According to the author, “best friend” and “soul mate” refer to those who    .

A. accept what you are and care for you

B. support you whenever you are in low spirits

C. share your sadness and happiness whenever it is

D. help you out if you have some emotional problems


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