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2014高三英语摸底试题练习题Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero



【摘要】大家把理论知识复习好的同时,也应该要多做题,从题中找到自己的不足,及时学懂。下面是威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理的2014高三英语摸底试题,希望对大家有帮助。

必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero


1.(2013•泰安期末)—Let’s go to a movie after work,OK?


A.Not at all.       B.Never mind.

C.Why not?   D.You’re welcome.

2.(2013•山东潍坊、东营、淄博、滨州四市联考)If you are hunting________chance to improve yourself in English,I think the English corner will be________smart choice.

A.a;a   B.a;the

C.the;a   D.the;the

3.(2011•浙江卷)Anyway,I can’t cheat him—it’s against all my________.

A.emotions   B.principles

C.regulations   D.opinions

4.(2013•济南4月模拟)She’s in a hopeless situation,________we will keep a very close eye on.

A.where    B.when

C.which   D.that

5.—Ralph,are you still living on your parents’ pension?

—No.I try to stand on my own two feet rather than________my parents.

A.turn to   B.go to

C.come to   D.refer to

6.We all know that hard working and plain living are fine________of our Chinese people.

A.qualities   B.manners

C.deeds   D.acts

7.(2013•南京四校阶段调研)To her disappointment,what she had devoted herself to________in nothing but failure.

A.resulting   B.results

C.has resulted   D.resulted

8.Young as she is,our English teacher is very experienced and________by all of us.

A.thinks highly of   B.highly thought of

C.thinks high of   D.high thought of

9.—Do you think the drunken driver will escape________by the law?

—I don’t think so.

A. to be punished   B.punishing

C.being punished   D.to punish

10.It’s important to learn to take a positive attitude________life when you are________trouble.

A.to;under   B.of;in

C.to;in   D.with;in

11.Fully________to looking after three children at home,she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club.

A.attached   B.occupied

C.contributed   D.devoted

12.After hours of searching,their patience was________and they found what they were looking for.

A.calculated   B.confirmed

C.rewarded   D.evaluated

13.(2013•哈尔滨高三模拟)Soon children in the camp had many new friends,____ ____they shared food,stories and projects.

A.for which   B.with whom

C.of which   D.to whom


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