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2014高三英语模拟试题练习题Uni t 2 English around the world



【摘要】大家只有多练习,才能知道自己的不足,多练题对大家的学习有所帮助,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家总结的2014高三英语模拟试题,希望大家喜欢。

必修1 Uni t 2 English around the world


1.(2013•河北质量检测)—Would you mind if I turned off the air conditioner?

—________It makes no difference to me.

A.Never mind.       B.Sure,go ahead.

C.Not at all.   D.Why not?

2.(2013•济南模拟)When ________comes to saving energy,big changes start with small steps,like turning off the lights.

A.that   B.this

C.it   D.one

3.—Have you seen a red pen on the desk?

—Sorry.There is________pen here.

A.not such   B.such no

C.no such a   D.no such

4.With our knowledge________practice,we can make great contributions to our society.

A.to base on   B.basing on

C.based on   D.base on

5.When the teacher told the boy’s father what he had done at school,the father was________angry.

A.more than   B.other than

C.less than   D.rather than

6.Mother has not yet recovered from the serious illness,but her health is improving________day by day.

A.frequently   B.gradually

C.fluently   D.actually

7.As everybody knows,kangaroos are native________Australia and are often regarded as one of Australia’s national treasures.

A.in   B.to

C.from   D.with

8.Gudrun Jones rented the land from a wonderful gentleman who knows that animals play________really important part in________society.

A./;the   B.a;/

C.a;the   D./;/

9.(2013•温州二测)Happy people don’t necessarily have the best things;they________everything that comes their way.

A.get the hang of   B.think little of

C.make the most of   D.take possession of

10.(2013•银川质检)It is requested that the reporter________to blame for the wrong report.

A.referring to   B.referring to as

C.referred to be   D.referred to being

11.—He failed the exam again!What should I do,Miss Wang?

—In my opinion,your son is________than stupid.

A.quite lazier   B.much lazier

C.more lazy   D.lazier rather

12.(2012•杭州二检)—How soon will the employees in your factory get a rise?

—Their pay increases gradually and________every few years.

A.steadily    B.sharply

C.frequently   D.vastly


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