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【摘要】:在高三复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识点,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语非谓语动词选择题,供大家参考。

1. They prefers playing the piano to ______ volleyball.

A. play B. play the C. playing D. playing the

D 2. His bag fell off his bike. He stopped _____ it up.

A. picking B. pick C. picked D. to pick

D 3. The homework needs_____ with care.

A. being done B. doing C. to do D. be done

4. They started early _____ the village before dark.

A. in order to reach B. in order to arrive

C. in order that can arrive D. in order that got to

5. The box is ____ for me ____.

A. enough light; to carry it B. too light ; to carry

C. light enough; to carry D. too light; to carry it

6. Can you get the machine _____?

A. to work B. worked C. working D. work

7. The problem is quite easy ______.

A. to be worked out B. to work it out

C. to work out D. working out

8. The brave soldier ____ die than give in

A. would rather B. had better

C. would rather to D. had better to

9. --- I am considering ___ a bookstore.

---- _____.

A. running, That’s a good idea B. opening, Don’t do that

C. to run , That’s al right D. to open, All right

10. It is no good______ to him.

A. to write B. writing to C. to write to D. of writing to

11. How about the two of us _____ a walk down the garden?

A. to take B take C. taking D. to be taking.

12. ---- What did you come here for last time?

---- ______ one of my old friends.

A. For seeing B. To see C. See D. Seeing

13. Her uncle died last year, ____ her a lot of money.

A. left B made C. leaving D. Letting

14. The boy wanted to go to the cinema with his friends, but his mother told him ____.

A. not to do B. not do it C. do not D. not to

15. I remember ___ him ___ the bike needed ____.

A. hearing; saying; repairing B. to hear; say; to repair

C. hearing; say; repairing D. to hear; saying; to repair


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