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1、简短对话第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.What time is it now?

A.Nice o’clock. B.Eight o’clock. C.Seven thirty.

2.What should the man first do in order to get to the railway station?

A.Go around the corner. B.Cross the street. C.Make a right torn.

3.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Shop assistant and customer.

B.Shop assistant and her manager.

C.Shop assistant and her father.

4.What did the girl do last Sunday?

A.She was ill at that time.

B.She left her mother alone.

C.She stayed with her mother at home.

5.Why is the man going to New York?

A.To live there. B.To visit a friend. C.To have a job.




6.Who may Alistair be?

A.Bob’s girlfriend. B.Bill’s friend. C.Alistair’s sister.

7.When would Bill go to Alistair’s house?

A.In half an hour. B.In an hour. C.After he got some sugar from Marilyn.


8.What is the woman looking for?

A.A lamp. B.A desk. C.A shelf.

9.How much will the new item cost?

A.$ 14.50. B.$ 13.50. C.$12.50.

10.When will the item be available?

A.Next week. B.Next month. C.Next year.


11.Where do you think the dialogue most probably take place?

A.Next week. B.Next month. C.Next year.

12.What is opposite the park?

A.The college. B.The has stop. C.In a park.

13.Why does the woman want to take a taxi?

A.Because the bus stop is farther away than the college.

B.Because the man suggests her talking a taxi.

C.Because the bus stop isn’t near to her and she is in a hurry.


14.What day is it today?

A.Thursday. B.Friday. C.Saturday.

15.What do we know about the woman?

A.She used to go shopping with her father.

B.She always does her shopping on Saturdays.

C.She probably likes video games.

16.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman didn’t accept the man’s invitation at last.

B.There is a salt in the new shopping centre.

C.The woman has been to the new shopping centre be fore.


17.What does the sentence “Behind every successful man there is a woman” mean?

A.There is a woman standing behind every snccessful man.

B.Women’s support to men is a most important factor of men’s success.

C.Every success depends on woman.

18.Who wants to be as successful as man?

A.All women. B.Every woman. C.Not every woman.

19.Which of the following still exists in the US today?

A.Men can get the best jobs but women can’t.

B.Women can’t get equal pay for equal work.

C.Both A and B.

20.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Man support women in the women’s liberation movement.

B.The government supports women in the women’s liberation movement.

C.Women want to have the some chance for success.

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)



21.The party was really success. We sang and danced until it came to end.

A.a; an B.a; / C./; an D.the; the

22.I don’t think it any good another talk with him over the matter.

A.had B.having C.have D.to have

23.The the two friends have kept in with each other is becoming closer and closer.

A.relation B.the C.link D.touch

24.“Pay me the money for my work, I’ll beat you flat,” he shouted angrily to the boss.

A.and B.but C.or D.or rather

25.—I’ve got to go now.

—Must you? I you could stay for dinner with us.

A.think B.thought C.have thought D.am thinking

26.The boy you referred is far ahead everyone else in the class.

A.except for B.except when C.except than D.besides

27.The boy you referred is far ahead everyone else in the class.

A.to; to B.at; from C.at; with D.to; of

28.His income is it was five years ago.

A.double that B.double what C.double than D.double

29.But for your help, I being punished by my mother.

A.wouldn’t escape B.couldn’t escape

C.didn’t escape D.wouldn’t have escape

30.—I’d like to book a room for tonight.

—Sorry, sir, but we don’t have any rooms at the moment.

A.available B.usable C.suitable D.comfortable

31. you don’t like him is none of my business.

A.What B.Who C.That D.If

32.Please tell me the way you thought of the garden.

A.taking care of B.to take care of C.looking after D.how to look after

33. many times, he finally understood it.

A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told

34.Only after in the interview the importance of English.

A.he had failed/ he realized B.had failed/ did he realize

C.he had failed / did he realize D.had he failed / he realized


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