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40.Walking and running are the oldest,and the newest,excellent ___ exercise for all ages and fitness levels.

A.bodies shaping B.body’s shape C.bodies shaped D.body shaping


James wrote a play for television about a family who came to England from Pakistan, and the difficulty they had 41 in England. The play was very 42 , and it was bought by an American TV company.

James was invited to go to New York to 43 the production. He lived in Dulwich, which was an hour’s ride away from Hesthrow Airport. The flight was to leave at 8:30 a.m, 44 he had to be at the airport at about 7:30 in the morning.

He ordered 45 for 6:30, 46 his alarm clock for 5:45, and went to sleep. Unfortunately he forgot 47 the clock, and it stopped shortly after 48 . Also the driver of the taxi had to work deep into the night and overslept.

James 49 with that terrible feeling that something was wrong. He 50 his alarm clock. It stood there silently, with the hands 51 ten past twelve. He turn on 52 and discovered that it was 53 ten to nine. He switched on the electric kettle.

He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot 54 the nine o’clock pips sounded 55 the radio. The announcer began to read the news… “ 56 are coming in of a crash near Heathrow Airport. A Boeing 707 leaving for New York crashed shortly after 57 this morning. Flight number 2234…” James 58 .

“ 59 ,” he said out loud, “If I HADN’T __60__ , I would have been on that plane.”

41. A. settled B. to settle down C. been settled down D. settling down

42. A. long B. interesting C. successful D. well

43 A. help for B. help with C. help to D. help making

44. A. so B. therefore C. for D. though

45. A. a taxi B. a driver C. a ticket D. his breakfast

46. A. fixing B. fixed C. setting D. set

47. A. to have winded B. having winded C. winding D. to wind

48. A. he fell asleep B. he woke up C. midnight D. his work

49. A. dreamed B. awoke C. went to sleep D. lay down

50. A. looked for B. looked through C. looked at D.looked forward to

51. A. pointing at B. pointing to C. striking to D. striking

52. A. the radio B. the light C. the TV set D. the water

53. A. already B. truly C. as the matter of fact D. in fact

54. A. as B. until C. while D. when

55. A. by B. on C. above D. from

56. A. Words B. News C. Information D. Reports

57. A. taking up B. taking off C. taking away D. taking place

58. A. turned pale B. turned red C. turned up D. turned around

59. A. My play B. My ticket C. My flight D. My mum

60. A. made tea B. slept C. woke up D. overslept

IV.阅读理解 A

Stereo(立体声) sets with headphones started appearing in 1979.The headphones were on the ears of walkers, bicycle riders and drivers. By the end of 1982,more than 10 million people around the world owned the tiny machines.

The owner of Sony, a Japanese company, invented the set. He wanted to be able to listen to music while playing tennis. Many companies now produce models. Some sets play cassette tapes, others play Am or Fm radio.

A few even combine all three. The sets allow people to listen to their favorite music at its loudest without troubling anyone else.

As the sets grew more popular, some people began to worry about their use. One worry is about the danger of an accident on the street. A person wearing headphones can’t always hear the horn of a car or a warning shout. That fact has led some states to take actions. By the end of 1982,nine states had passed laws that the use of headphones was not allowed by drivers. Some towns and cities also wanted to keep the persons walking in the street and bicycle riders from using headphones in the street.

Another worry is that the headphone set could destroy a listener’s hearing. Scientists in Japan studied the hearing of 150 high schoolchildren who used headphones regularly. They found that eight children had a hearing loss. These eight children listened to headphones six hours a day. But when they stopped using the headphones, their hearing return.

61. The main reason that 10 million people bought the headphones is probably that the

sets ____________.

A. meets the needs of people B. can be used almost anywhere

C. keep out noises D. play cassette tapes

62. In some states, it is against the law to wear headphones while ______.

A. riding a bike B. playing tennis

C. driving a car D. playing music

63. Headphones would probably be accepted in a library, because _________.

A. no one else could hear the music

B. there are too many people in the libraries.

C. the headphones are small

D. students use the libraries

64. The passage gives us the impression(印象) that headphones _________.

A. always cause a hearing loss B. are hard to use

C. should be used very carefully D. should be used in proper cases

65. The scientists found that ________ out of 150 children who used

headphones regularly had their hearing loss.

A. 6 B. 8 C. 3 D. 10


More and more scientific experiments prove that physical exercise can reduce the dangers of some illnesses in middle-aged persons. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle, reduces blood pressure and helps to prevent muscles from changing into fat. Physical exercise is just as important for children.

Exercise and food affect growing speed in young lab animals. Baby mice start running as soon as they are big enough to use an exercise wheel in their cage. If they get extra food and run a lot, they will grow as much as 1.5 times bigger than normal.

The same differences might be found between active and inactive children. Physical exercise helps active children grow faster than inactive children. One experiment shows that the brains of the mice that had enough exercise weighed about 3% more than those of the mice that did not exercise. The mice that exercised are much quicker to learn doing new exercise than the mice that did not exercise.

The results of the experiments support the theory that exercise can help babies learn to talk and walk sooner than expected.

The good effects of physical exercise are not limited to children and middle-aged people. Exercise continues to be an important part of our lives after we grow old. For example, people over 50 years old begin to lose calcium (钙) from the bones, which get weaker and can break easily. Physical exercise, however, helps to strengthen the bones and to prevent them from losing calcium. Of course, old people can take medicine to prevent themselves from suffering from losing calcium, but the medicines they take increase the chance of developing some kind of cancer. So physical exercise is a much safer means of treatment. ?

66. This passage mainly tells us ______.

A. scientists have done many experiments to prove their theory

B. physical exercise can help people in many ways

C. all people need to have more physical exercise

D. physical exercise can help treat our illness

67. From this passage we know that ______.

A. physical exercise is the only way to prevent people from losing calcium

B. physical exercise can do good to both middle-aged people and children

C. only middle-aged people can benefit from physical exercise

D. physical exercise can benefit all people of different ages

68. Active children ______ than inactive children.

A. are stronger but more foolish B. are cleverer but not stronger

C. are cleverer and healthier D. enjoy walking more

69. From this passage we know that ______.

A. middle-aged people are easy to get fat

B. mice need to eat more and exercise more

C. children need more exercise than other people

D. old people like to take medicine to treat their illness

70. The bones of old people are easy to break because ______.

A. there is less calcium in their bones than other people


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