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16. What makes mother cry?

A. The heavy housework.

B. The naughty children.

C. The onions.(洋葱)

17. Why did the lady get angry and shout at the boy?

A. Because the boy almost knocked her down before he saw her.

B. Because the boy broke the window of her house.

C. Because the boy’s ball hit her in the face.

18. Who did the boy say would come to repair the window?

A. The boy’s father

B. The boy’smother

C. The boy himself.

19. Why did the lady allow the boy to take the ball away?

A. Because the boy was lovely and honest.

B. Because she had already repaired the window.

C. Because she believed what the boy said.

20. How much money did the repairman ask for when he finished repairing the window?

A. More than ten dollars.

B. Less than ten dollars.

C. Ten dollars in all.


21. Smith said he would pay ___ second visit to China ___ next month.

A.the,-- B.the,the C.a,the D.a,---

22. All possible means ___. However, nothing can ___ him dying of lung cancer.

A.has tried,stop B.have been tried,keep

C.has been tried,prevent D.have been tried,stop

23. He is considering ___ his job but you shouldn’t consider him ___.

A.to change,to be mad B.changing,to be mad

C.changes,mad D.having changed,mad

24. What a good heart you have! You ___ of others.

A.always thought B.are alwaysthinking

C.used to think D.have thought

25. “Stop the thief!” shouted the young man, ___ the thief ___ the arm.

A.seized,on B.seized,by C.seizing,on D.seizing,by

26.____ here in time, they came ___ all the way.

A.To get,running B.Getting,running

C.To get,run D.Getting,to run

27.___ it is raining today,I will go home for I haven’t been home for a long time.

A.Because B.If C.Since D.Even though

28.One of the advantages of living on the to floor of a highrise is that you can get a good ___.

A.sight B.scene C.view D.look

29.He tries every way ___ he could find to solve the problem.

A.how B.in which C.--- D.which

30.In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person ___she could turn for help.

A.that B.who C.from D.to whom

31.It is generally considered unwise to give a child ___ he or she wants.

A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever

32.With online course Lynn has over 300 students all over China ___ her class through the Internet.

A.attend B.aattended C.attending D.to be attending

33.Apartments in cities can be quite high.Renters are paying up to $1,000 per month for ___ bedroom apartment.

A.one a B.the one C.one D.a one

34.I ___have met him a long time ago.Both his name and face are very familiar.

A.may B.can C.would D.should

35.The market for used computers is getting larger and larger as the years ___.

A.get on B.run on C.push on D.go on

36.Doctors and medical supplies ____ to the scene of the accident.

A.had rushed B.were rushed C.were rushing D.rushed

37.It’s actually the simpler uses of a camera phone ___ the most interesting. They could make photographs of us all.

A.that are B.which are C.that is D.which is

38.For a person with reading habits,a printed pages contains not only words ___ ideas,thoughts and feelings.

A.yet B.and C.or D.but

39.---English Department,can I help you?

---Hi,I’m Nancy.I am a student in English 101.I need to know Professor Wangs’s email address.

--- ___.I’m sorry,Dr Wang doesn’t have an email address in out system.

A.Just a minute B.I see C.At your service D.It’s you


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